Donald Trump

Pop-Culture and Trump, Part 3: Roger Waters Vs. The Big Man, Pig Man

Robert A. Saunders • Jan 4 2018 • Articles

The Us + Them tour represents the current pinnacle in the meeting of pop-culture and global politics, as Waters has mobilised his political fervour for the world stage.

Interview – William Schabas

E-International Relations • Dec 19 2017 • Features

Prof. William Schabas discusses his new book project, the ICC’s jurisdiction, its relationship with the United States and enthusiasm for international criminal justice.

The United States and the Status Quo: Is Hegemonic Satisfaction Innate?

Tom Barber • Nov 26 2017 • Essays

This essay seeks to refine Organski’s Power Transition Theory by decoupling the dominant state from the world system it embodies.

Securitization and Elections: Speaking Security at Ballot Boxes and Beyond

Faye Donnelly and Bao-Chau Pham • Nov 18 2017 • Articles

Adopting securitization as a rhetorical strategy in elections, rather than the language of compromise, can give rise to potentially divisive long-term ramifications.

Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Nov 14 2017 • Features

Prof. Stephen Walt discusses his current book project on the failures of American foreign policy, realist IR theory, and the nature of American political institutions.

Review – Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey

Elizabeth Austin • Oct 26 2017 • Features

American lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood’s 1893 story about a wealthy young man named Baron Trump provides some interesting parallels to today’s US President, Donald Trump.

Interview – Michael Stephens

E-International Relations • Oct 26 2017 • Features

RUSI’s Michael Stephens answers questions on the recent referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, Trump’s Middle East policy, developments in Syria and the Iran nuclear deal.

Interview – Joseph Chinyong Liow

E-International Relations • Oct 12 2017 • Features

Dr Chinyong Liow discusses the Trump administration’s strategy for East and Southeast Asia, growing conservatism in Indonesia, and the 50th anniversary of ASEAN.

Trump’s Dream and Tocqueville’s Nightmare

MJ Fox • Oct 12 2017 • Articles

The current erosion of agency amongst citizens in the U.S. is bringing us closer than ever to Tocqueville’s cautions of the path to despotism

Review Feature – The Experts are Dead, Long Live the Experts!

Antonio Calcara • Oct 7 2017 • Features

Two new books, The Ideas Industry and The Death of Expertise, consider the role of experts in the current US political landscape but reach quite different conclusions.

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