Donald Trump

Donald Trump as Trickster Clown

Joan Davison • Jul 15 2016 • Articles

Donald Trump fits the paradigm of a “trickster clown”, taking advantage of people who feel confused or alienated during times of transitions.

Interview – Anders Fogh Rasmussen

E-International Relations • May 23 2016 • Features

Anders Fogh Rasmussen elaborates on how we are living in a new Cold War, NATO’s mission in Libya, and discusses Vladimir Putin’s motives in the Middle East.

Interview – David Rothkopf

E-International Relations • May 16 2016 • Features

David Rothkopf elaborates on new journalism and discusses how fear has pervaded American politics since 9/11, the Obama Doctrine, and the ascendancy of Donald Trump.

Why Clinton Will Support the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Trump Will Not

Erik Lindell • May 8 2016 • Articles

If the TPP is not finalized before President Obama leaves the White House, its life or death will likely be contingent upon who wins the U.S. election in November.

Interview – Jennifer Hochschild

E-International Relations • May 6 2016 • Features

Jennifer Hochschild discusses the threats to democracy, ‘Black Lives Matter’, and the rhetoric surrounding ethnicity and immigration in the 2016 presidential primaries.

Trump as the Beginning of Republican Party 2.0

Stephen McGlinchey • May 4 2016 • Articles

With Ted Cruz’s exit and Trump becoming the presumptive nominee, the Republican Party establishment have decided to lose the 2016 election.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the 2016 US Presidential Election

Tom Chodor • Apr 23 2016 • Articles

The popularity of Trump and Sanders indicate that the days when neoliberal globalisation heralded a prosperous and equitable world are long behind us.

Fear, Anger and Attitudes Toward Immigration

Rose McDermott • Mar 30 2016 • Articles

Fear and anger that undergird the reactions to outgroups contribute greatly to coalescing diverse interests into supporting strong border controls which exclude migrants.

Interview – Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

E-International Relations • Mar 28 2016 • Features

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita discusses game theory as an indicator of political outcomes, his correct Iran prediction, and the threat of Vladimir Putin in Syria.

Explaining Donald Trump’s Political Ascendancy

Carlos L. Yordán • Mar 19 2016 • Articles

Trump has been able build a coalition of conservative voters angry at the status quo and anxious about the future.

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