
Interview – Cécile Mouly

E-International Relations • Apr 7 2020 • Features

Cécile Mouly discusses the nature of civil resistance, mobilisation, nonviolence and peacebuilding in Latin America, ex-combatants in Colombia and mediation in Venezuela.

Interview – Rafael Bittencourt

E-International Relations • Mar 27 2020 • Features

Rafael Bittencourt explains the concept of buen vivir, its influence on policy-making in Bolivia and Ecuador, and assesses the recent upheavals in Chile and Ecuador.

Interview – Raúl Salgado

E-International Relations • May 2 2019 • Features

Raúl Salgado talks to us about geopolitics and regionalism in Latin America, the role of small states in regional integration, UNASUR, and Brazil’s role within BRICS.

Interview – Alfredo Hernandez Sanchez

E-International Relations • Feb 20 2019 • Features

Alfredo Hernandez Sanchez discusses sovereign debt management in Mexico and Ecuador, causes of the Euro-debt crisis and UK sovereign debt in light of a no-deal Brexit.

Review – The Right in Latin America

John Polga-Hecimovich • Oct 16 2016 • Features

While its methodological shortcomings may raise the ire of some political scientists, this book is still ultimately a novel account of elite power in Latin America.

The International Law Dimensions of the Plight of Julian Assange

Donald Rothwell • Oct 9 2012 • Articles

The Assange saga has taken a number of unexpected turns. The only way forward would appear to be a political solution. Yet, there is no immediate prospect of such a resolution occurring.

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