
Interview – Steven C. Roach

E-International Relations • Nov 2 2016 • Features

Dr. Steven C. Roach discusses his research on theorizing emotional actions and the value of resilience in International Relations Theory.

Review – Emotions, Politics and War

Federica Caso • Oct 26 2015 • Features

This volume explores the nexus between emotions, world politics, and war and argues that IR debates should tackle the political dimensions of emotions.

Socio-Neuro-Biology and Prospects for Our Collective Global Future

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Jul 30 2015 • Articles

The widening range of possibilities for neurochemical enhancement demands accompanying caution in their deployment, commercialisation and regulation.

Emotions in IR: The ‘Dog That Did Not Bark’

K.M. Fierke • Feb 20 2015 • Articles

This brief exploration highlights the extent to which emotions have a social, cultural and political dimension that is pervasive at the international level.

Embracing Kindness: Transforming Difficult Emotions in IR Classroom

Elina Penttinen • Feb 12 2015 • Articles

By practicing compassion and kindness to ourselves, we can meet the suffering of others. This can enable us to connect to the meaning of studying and researching IR.

Emotion and Dystopian Idealism in Security Studies

Eric Van Rythoven • Dec 21 2014 • Articles

While forms of power are important they do not necessarily shape collective emotions which can be situated in a much more dispersed sets of cultural practices.

A Proposed Theory of Knowledge: Neuro-Rational Physicalism

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Dec 13 2014 • Articles

Comprehending that the ways we acquire knowledge are culturally mediated would be a profound step in softening rigid categories of “otherness” in our globalized world.

The Place of Emotion in International Relations Scholarship

George E. Marcus • Oct 2 2013 • Articles

Scholars are paying more and more attention to emotion and affect. New developments in the field of neuroscience can accelerate the progress of emotion research in IR.

The Investigation of Emotion in Leadership

Rose McDermott • Sep 17 2013 • Articles

Insights from psychology can develop our understanding of IR. One example is the examination of emotion in decision making which can enhance our understanding of the roles and functions of leadership.

Review – Ontological Security in International Relations

Luke M. Herrington • Jul 27 2013 • Features

Steele’s well-researched book convincingly appends the field’s more materialist notions of security, but the merits lie as much with its novel conclusions as they do with the ideas it inspires.

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