European Union

Time for a New Western Strategy in Ukraine

Robert W. Murray • Feb 10 2015 • Articles

Western strategy towards the Ukraine crisis has been a failure. Without a dose of deterrence to complement diplomatic efforts, Eastern Europe may share Ukraine’s fate.

Romanian Democracy at the Crossroads

Lavinia Stan and Ruxandra Canache • Feb 9 2015 • Articles

The emergence of a cleaner political elite would strengthen public trust in democracy, counter voter apathy and improve the country’s image abroad.

Review – Debating European Security and Defense Policy

Stefan Gänzle • Feb 5 2015 • Features

Larivé’s work explores the nature of the European Security and Defence Policy and its achievements and shortcomings, and the question of sovereignty for Europe.

The ‘Reluctant Europeans’: What Syriza’s Victory Means for Europe

George Kyris • Jan 28 2015 • Articles

The big question is after Syriza’s win is what sort of party it will be the day after as that could set the tone of an alternative solution to the Eurozone crisis,.

Turkish Foreign Policy in Turbulent Times

Meltem Müftüler-Baç • Jan 25 2015 • Articles

Turkey’s democratic consolidation problems in the domestic arena have posed limitations on its ability to project power in the region, and widened the chasm with the European Union.

Scotland: If Not Independence Then a Federacy?

Eve Hepburn • Dec 5 2014 • Articles

If Scotland were to go down the federacy route, the old-age debate of whether or not Europe can be viewed as a part of its domestic competences would return.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place? EU-Armenia Relations after Vilnius

Günter Walzenbach • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

Economic rapprochement between Russia and the West is unlikely to occur so long as Putin pursues his pet project – the Eurasian Customs Union.

Does European Recognition of a Palestinian State Mean Anything?

Mira Sucharov • Nov 5 2014 • Articles

As long as Israel believes it has no partner in the Palestinians, acts of recognition may serve as a moral signal to the world, buttressing the identity of the signaller.

Drowning Migrants Is Not the Answer

Phil Cole • Oct 29 2014 • Articles

Criminalization is not the answer to the movement of people across the Mediterranean. We have to recognize that it is this act of criminalization which is killing people, not the desire to migrate.

The Irresistible Rise of Nigel Farage

Phil Cole • Oct 18 2014 • Articles

Winning an MP is the latest step in what looks like an unstoppable march to power and influence by Nigel Farage and his eurosceptic UK Independence Party.

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