European Union

Europeanization: Analyzing the Domestic Change in Turkey

Diğdem Soyaltin • May 10 2013 • Articles

It remains to be seen whether Turkey will pursue further EU-focused change. This is related to the flexibility of the secular republic and those actors demanding a more democratic and liberal state.

Review – European Multiculturalisms

Elise Rietveld • Apr 6 2013 • Features

Some political heavyweights have proclaimed that multiculturalism has failed. However, this edited collection argues that it remains the best way to conceptualise citizenship in Europe.

Review – From Stagnation to Forced Adjustment

Jared A. Pincin • Mar 27 2013 • Features

The economic crisis in Greece and the financial bailouts it received sent shockwaves through the Eurozone and global markets. Could reforms have avoided the collapse? Why were they not successful?

Review – The Crisis of the European Union

Jeremy Garlick • Mar 22 2013 • Features

Although Habermas’ pessimism concerning the European project is well-founded, his normative agendas of promoting world government and universal human rights fly in the face of reality.

Britain, the UK Independence Party and the EU

Alan Sked • Feb 21 2013 • Articles

When the UK holds a referendum on the EU, the campaign will be tense and the country will probably vote to leave. Yet, this will not be due to the Eurosceptic rhetoric of Ukip.

An EU Model for ASEAN?

Reuben Wong • Jan 16 2013 • Articles

The EU is not a model power for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. At this point, it is simply another regional organization that can serve as a reference point for ASEAN’s past and future institutionalization.

Economic Crisis in Cyprus: Repercussions, Turkey and the Turkish-Cypriots

Zenonas Tziarras • Jan 3 2013 • Articles

Given Cyprus’ loss of diplomatic leverage due to the needed economic aid/bail-out, Cyprus needs to proceed with caution toward the EU, while standing by the Turkish-Cypriot community.

Ukraine’s New Political Colours?

Marta Dyczok • Dec 19 2012 • Articles

Ukraine has been dominated in recent years by a corrupt elite whose heavy handed tactics have made it difficult for an effective opposition to organize. The key question is how will this new minority Parliament govern?

Whither the Vision? Institutional Change During Europe’s Financial Crisis

Theofanis Exadaktylos • Dec 5 2012 • Articles

European integration has lost its orientation; European integration is now a lackluster process; European integration lacks vision. There is a certain capability gap as to what Europe can achieve with its current institutional arrangements.

The Conservative Party and Euroscepticism

Simon Usherwood • Nov 11 2012 • Articles

The past couple of years have seen a succession of policy stances by the British Conservative party that would appear to confirm its popular image as a eurosceptic actor.

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