European Union

Can Europe Survive the Euro?

Vivien A Schmidt • Aug 6 2012 • Articles

How can one change the policies of the European Union without politicization? What the EU needs is ‘policy with politics’ where the Eurozone crisis should be solved through growth, not endless austerity and decline.

The Internal Roots of Economic Downturn in China

Zhang Jun • Jul 27 2012 • Articles

External problems might explain the Chinese slowdown in part – but that is not the real story. China suffers deep structural problems perpetuated by a state dominated financial system.

‘Democracy is in Peril’: Agonistic Pluralism after the Greek Election

Harry Weeks • Jul 23 2012 • Articles

What should be taken from the Greek election is that the political institutions of the country offered, and the electorate seriously considered, an alternative.

Scottish Independence and Relations with the EU

Christian Schweiger • Jul 21 2012 • Articles

English Eurosceptics who consider Scottish independence as an opportunity to push their country quicker towards EU exit should think again. Scotland might have the last laugh after all.

The End of Maastricht and the last Euro: Will the EU Survive the Euro Crisis?

John Weeks • Jul 19 2012 • Articles

The original motivation for what has become the EU was for a lasting peace in Europe, in which no country would dominate the continent. Yet, the euro and large country nationalism have changed the EU into the vehicle to achieve that domination.

Will the Real Tomislav Nikolić Please Stand Up? Serbia’s New Chameleonic President

Janine Clark • Jul 2 2012 • Articles

As Serbia’s President, will Tomislav Nikolić continue to oscillate between his nationalist and pro-Europe identities or will he ultimately jettison one in favour of the other? At this stage we can only speculate and ask that the real Tomislav Nikolić to please stand up.

Nothing to See Here: The 2012 EU-Russia Summit

Maxine David • Jun 26 2012 • Articles

Russia is intent on proving itself relevant on the global stage. In an age when attention is shifting to the East and the South, Russia is positioning itself as a central, non-Western, power.

Scotland, Independence and the European Union

Paul Cairney • Jun 20 2012 • Articles

An unusual situation exists where there seems to be no formal mechanism within the EU over what would happen if Scotland separated from the UK and sought EU membership.

Regulatory Regionalism? Russia’s Common Economic Space

Alvin Almendrala Camba • May 30 2012 • Articles

Russia has a role to play as the regional leader of the Eurasian Union, and perhaps of the former Soviet space. Putin pragmatically recognises the importance of the Soviet Union’s legacy.

Can France and Germany Design a New European Contrat Social?

Ulrike Guérot • May 28 2012 • Articles

The future of Europe literally depends on the next Franco-German compromise. Europe cannot be governed by the European Central Bank.

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