European Union

Qaddafi’s Death is Only the Beginning in Libya

Robert W. Murray and Aidan Hehir • Oct 23 2011 • Articles

The death of Qaddafi is, naturally, a very public symbol that his reign of oppression is over and will not return, but this is not the end of the story for Libyans, the UN or NATO. The campaign to maintain peace between the various factions could prove to be more difficult than the defeat of Qaddafi’s forces.

What role for the EU in the new Libya?

Stefan Wolff • Oct 22 2011 • Articles

Perhaps, looking back at the EU’s performance in the Libyan crisis in five years’ time, the best lesson to (re-) learn is that the EU is not good at hard security policy, but does a very decent job when the task is about dealing with the aftermath of conflict. Stable democracies cannot be built on the battlefield. They require a whole different set of capabilities than what NATO can offer.

The Children of Riots: Society, Violence and the Youth in Greece

Ioannis Tellidis • Oct 17 2011 • Articles

Police brutality is now part of everyday life in Greece. Violence from extreme political circles of all directions is on the rise, and an overall feeling of everyone-against-everyone makes evident the crumbling of Greek society.Thus, the only thing that Greek Police seem to be good at is to provoke indignation.

Normative Power Still Matters: Adopting the Srebrenica Resolution

Bedrudin Brljavac • Aug 23 2011 • Articles

The 1995 Srebrenica genocide was a shameful event in modern European politics. The Srebrenica Resolution, adopted in January 2009 by the European Parliament, represents a significant ‘normative’ initiative that once again has proved the relevance and effectiveness of the European Union as an appreciable normative power in international politics.

EU foreign policy after Lisbon: what role for small state diplomacy?

Skander Nasra • Aug 14 2011 • Articles

While Lisbon may narrow the material differences between small and large states in terms of involvement, it is likely to sustain the differences between states in terms of influence. A strengthened global EU presence will primarily favor the large states given their more extended capacities to cope with the EU’s expanding role in matters of foreign policy.

Greece and the EU: United in Diversity

Louie Woodall • Jul 12 2011 • Articles

The European community cannot stand idly by when one of its own members faces disintegration. The Union’s motto is: “United in diversity”. Now, more than ever, the EU must live up to this ideal.

Italy: From Berlusconi To A European Spring?

Giuseppe Lenzo • Jul 4 2011 • Articles

Many agree on the fact that Italy needs reform. One of every four youngsters are jobless, the sixth worst situation in Europe. One wonders whether the “Arab Spring” rising North from the Mediterranean may bring the winds of change and jasmine that Italy, as well as other troubled countries in Southern Europe need.

Greek and EU Mentalities

Ioannis Tellidis • Jun 27 2011 • Articles

Greece has been financially ill even before it joined the then EEC. The symptoms were chronic cronyism, high levels of nepotism, severe clientelism and acute individualistic mentalities. Why did banks continue lending to a country like Greece, especially since they knew the economic state of affairs the country has been in for decades?


Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jun 12 2011 • Articles

When Europe lay devastated after WWII and seemed menaced by the Soviet Union, a cross Atlantic military alliance was needed to preserve European freedom. Through a patchwork of military commands and an influx of American troops, a protective wall of security was created within which European recovery and democratization could take place. However, today, NATO is irrelevant and needs a respectful termination.

Can the Euro Survive?

Roland Bensted • Jun 9 2011 • Articles

The Euro will survive. Survival is an economic, political and social necessity, central to Europe’s success. That the Euro must not fail should encourage Europe to take measures to overcome the current challenges the single currency faces. As Richard Youngs of the think tank FRIDE hopes, Europe should adopt a unity in adversity approach.

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