European Union

Whither French Foreign Policy: same horns, same dilemma?

John Keiger • Mar 3 2010 • Articles

From the beginning of the twentieth century France’s foreign and defence policy has been impaled on the horns of a dilemma: whether to seek a European or a transatlantic solution to her security problems. Since coming to power in 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy appears to wish to embrace both routes in equal measure. If French history is anything to go by he may not be able to sustain that position for long.

Beyond Gender? A New Minister for a Transformative Post-Lisbon Agenda

Àngels Trias i Valls • Feb 10 2010 • Articles

Contemporary social discourses are relegating the need to keep fighting for gender equality, mistakenly thinking that perhaps ‘addressing’ gender is the same as ‘normalising’ gender politics. It is against this landscape that Lady Catherine Ashton becomes the first High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Lisbon – another EU attack on democracy

John Redwood • Dec 23 2009 • Articles

The mood in the UK towards the EU is currently one of angry resignation. We are angry because Lisbon has been such a dishonest and anti democratic process. We were thrilled when France and Holland voted the constitution down. What part of “No” don’t they understand, we bellowed across the Channel? Why can’t they get this democratic thing? If you ask the public you accept their verdict. Sometimes the people know best.

CSDP after Lisbon: forging a global grand bargain?

Jolyon Howorth • Dec 21 2009 • Articles

The European Union, in the wake of Lisbon, has become an international actor. It now faces two major external challenges. The first is to develop strategic vision for a potentially tumultuous emerging multi-polar world. The second challenge is to help nudge the other major actors towards a multilateral global grand bargain. The price of failure will be a return to the jungle – a jungle in which European assets will count for very little.

Location, Location, Location: Situating the European External Action Service

Amelia Hadfield • Nov 18 2009 • Articles

Whilst the European media is full of stories about the new President of the European Council and the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, the third development of an EU Ministry of Foreign Affairs appears to have fallen off the radar, despite fierce turf wars erupting across Brussels as to its proper role.

What Middle East Policy to Expect from the New German Government? When promising ideas threaten to be buried in transatlantic waters

Ali Fathollah-Nejad • Nov 4 2009 • Articles

However big the political odds are, a rational-pragmatic input by the FDP could constructively impact the foreign policy discourse in Europe’s largest country

Diplomacy and Russia’s de-democratisation

Luke March • Jul 17 2009 • Articles

Russia is no democracy, nor will it become one anytime soon. The concern of most is now how to deal with the external power projection of an apparently consolidated authoritarian state. So the pertinent question for outsiders is not now ‘what kind of state is Russia’, but ‘how do we deal with Russian foreign policy?’

Elections without purpose: understanding the European Parliament elections of 2009

Mark N. Franklin • Jun 18 2009 • Articles

The elections are over, and again the pundits are lamenting the low turnout of European citizens at their parliament’s elections. These elections have again provided Eurosceptics with apparent evidence of lack of public support for Europe – no matter that European Parliament (EP) elections provide greater opportunities for Eurosceptic votes than for supportive votes.

European Parliament Turns to the Right

Terri E. Givens • Jun 15 2009 • Articles

The dramatic success of Right parties, particularly Radical Right parties, in the recent European Parliament election indicates that voters are responding to insecurity related to the global economic crisis and immigration. European Parliament elections often act as a referendum on domestic politics, but they are also indicative of trends across Europe.

Britain in Europe: A (Further) Response to John Redwood

Anand Menon • Apr 20 2008 • Articles

I believe in appreciating the EU for what it is: a uniquely well developed form of interstate cooperation focussed around a single market. Yet Europe could be made to suit us still better. Rather than playing on people’s fears of a power hungry EU that is the stuff of fiction, let us begin this task.

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