European Union

Subsidiarity: A Principle for Global Trade Governance?

Günter Walzenbach • Mar 20 2021 • Articles

If global governance is to be more than a proxy for a bargain between powerful states, the calibration associated with further codification seems inevitable.

Subsidiarity and European Governance: Export and Investment Promotion Agencies

Maximilian Bossdorf • Mar 19 2021 • Articles

The concept of subsidiarity works as a compass steering the fluid transfer of authority in promotion systems with strong vertical dynamics.

European Foreign Policy and the Realities of Subsidiarity

Jörg Michael Dostal • Mar 17 2021 • Articles

The cases of Libya, Iraq and Syria show the consequences of traditional power politics in Europe have closely aligned with US foreign policy and embedded in transatlantic networks.

Subsidiarity and Trafficking in Human Beings

Marco Borraccetti • Mar 14 2021 • Articles

A revised Anti-Trafficking Directive must come to terms with the demand and supply side of a criminal transaction by changing the wider environment that facilitates trafficking in human beings.

Subsidiarity and the History of European Integration

Giuliana Laschi • Mar 14 2021 • Articles

Through policy adaptations reflected in buzzwords, such as transparency and accountability, financial democratisation and funding access, the EU has mounted an effective response to economic crises.

Subsidiarity and Social Europe

Rosa Mulé • Mar 12 2021 • Articles

it is vital that the European Commission finds new imaginative solutions for a more balanced interaction between national and supranational activities in the social domain.

Global Migration and Local Integration: The European Refugee Crisis

Jörg Dürrschmidt • Mar 11 2021 • Articles

As a consequence of societal globalisation, there is an ongoing process similar to the ‘unbinding of politics’ in the context of EU migration and asylum policy.

The Subsidiarity Principle at the Interface of Law and Politics

Thilo Marauhn and Daniel Mengeler • Mar 10 2021 • Articles

Subsidiarity reminds us of the fact that law is not a hermetically sealed system cut off from society, but that it is always linked to other systems such as politics.

The Political Philosophy of European Subsidiarity

Peter Rinderle • Mar 9 2021 • Articles

Subsidiarity can help to prevent the exercise of tyrannical power of the central government and protect a sphere of liberty in the smaller units of a community.

National Parliaments in the EU: Synergy Under the Subsidiarity Principle?

Donatella M. Viola • Mar 7 2021 • Articles

Over the past two decades, subsidiarity has become an important instrument to strengthen the role of national parliaments in the European architecture.

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