
Review – Capital Hates Everyone

Cristóbal Ortiz Würth • Jul 2 2024 • Features

Maurizio Lazzarato details why revolution is the necessary alternative to modern fascism borne of capitalism, but fails to provide an effective alternative to capitalism.

Opinion – Teaching Fascism and the Far Right in International Relations

Justin S. Casey • Jul 17 2023 • Articles

As with climate change and the waning of American hegemony, the re-emergence of a global, normalized far right will be a defining feature of the years ahead.

Who’s Afraid of Mussolini’s Ghost?

Paolo Heywood • Feb 27 2023 • Articles

Much is rightly made in discussions of Italian attitudes to fascism of its post-war failures to ‘de-fascistise’ in the way that Germany was ‘de-nazified’.

Review – War Through Italian Eyes

Richard Bosworth • Dec 30 2022 • Features

Alexander Henry provides a scintillating new perspective on the experiences of the Italian armed forces under Mussolini, albeit one that warrants further exploration.

Adorno on Late Modernity and Unfreedom: Reflections in a Global Era

Silviya Lechner • Jul 16 2021 • Articles

Adorno further alerts us to the threat that Fascism might reappear in novel historical forms. If he is right, all contemporary societies in late modernity contain fascist elements in one form or another.

Militarization in the Age of the Pandemic Crisis

Henry A. Giroux and Ourania Filippakou • Apr 22 2020 • Articles

The spectacle of militarization functions as part of a culture of division and fragmentation, all the while refusing ask how the US shares elements of a fascist politics.

In the Dawn of a New Barbaric Era

Burak Cop • Nov 23 2016 • Articles

People are no longer interested in facts. Post-truth politics is advancing, as seen in Trump’s presidential race in the USA and the Brexit shock.

Fascism in Interwar Egypt: Islam, Nationalism and Political Modernization

Panos Kourgiotis • Jan 28 2015 • Articles

Fascism taught Egyptian activists how to use modern symbols and rituals in order to transform their internal political struggles, but it proved completely incompetent.

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