
Women’s Power to Stop War: Lessons for the International Studies Association

Natalie Florea Hudson • Jun 4 2015 • Articles

Creative energy and renewed multilateralism is needed to challenge the ideological imperialism that dominates our thinking, research and action around peace and security.

Making Feminist Sense of ‘The Americans’

Lucy Hall • May 20 2015 • Articles

Reading ‘The Americans’ through an Enloe inspired lens offers an example of the potential to explore the feminist critique of the public/private divide.

India’s Daughter and the Limits of Transnational Feminist Solidarity

Meenakshi Gigi Durham • Apr 10 2015 • Articles

India’s Daughter matters because it launched intense public dialogues around long-repressed societal problems of sexual violence and misogyny, in India and elsewhere.

What You Say is What You Get: The Gender Problem in IR

Elizabeth Mendenhall • Feb 26 2015 • Articles

Replacing “man-made” with “anthropogenic” will not solve the gender problem in IR, but it will increase the visibility of our quotidian contributions to patriarchy.

Four Waves of Lebanese Feminism

Rita Stephan • Nov 7 2014 • Articles

The women’s rights movement is connected to the Lebanese social space and reflects its shifts, while receiving and selecting theories, models and practices from the West.

Interview – Kimberly Hutchings

E-International Relations • Oct 24 2014 • Features

Prof. Hutchings talks about the usefulness of debates in international theory, violence, and ethics, and the importance of challenging gender discrimination in academia.

Review – Is International Affairs Too ‘Hard’ For Women?

Jenny M Lewis • Aug 6 2014 • Features

Tyler et al raise important issues, but Institutional strategies to address why so few women still make it to the top of international affairs in Australia are needed.

Review – Intelligent Compassion

Laura Sjoberg • Jul 21 2014 • Features

Confortini’s analysis of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom benefits feminist IR theory by making it more accessible and clearly applicable.

Why the Continuing Siege on Reproductive Rights?

Rebecca J. Cook • Jul 13 2014 • Articles

Understanding attacks on reproductive rights requires examining historical, psychological, legal, religious, & political perspectives to find answers.

Interview – Laura Sjoberg

E-International Relations • Apr 25 2014 • Features

Professor Sjoberg discusses gender and war, queer theory, women and gender in the International Relations discipline, her new blog, and offers advice for young scholars.

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