
Feminism’s Influence on Iceland’s Foreign Policy

Silja Bara Omarsdottir • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

Sustained pressure on government and an increasing number of women in the Foreign Service provides support to the claim that feminism has influenced Icelandic foreign policy.

Masculinity in IR: Feminist Interventions

Brett Remkus • Aug 16 2012 • Articles

Feminist scholarship has highlighted a problem in studying gender within IR, which rests not in the problem of “missing men” but rather the elision of women and women’s perspectives.

Counterinsurgency and Gender: The Case of the Female Engagement Teams

Annick T.R. Wibben and Keally McBride • Jul 17 2012 • Articles

Since 2009 the U.S. Marines have deployed Female Engagement Teams as part of its COIN effort. How does this relate to the gendering of COIN?

Seeing Gender in International Security

Laura Sjoberg • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

Gender is not the only lens, idea, concept, or ‘variable’ that one needs to explain security. But, security cannot be fully defined, understood, or obtained without the aid of feminist theorizing.

Are Men Still Missing? The Marginalisation of Feminism and Gender in IR

Meagan Tyler • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

When students are introduced to IR, they need to be introduced to the concept of feminism as more than just an add-on idea to consider after they have tackled and understood the “real” IR theories of realism and liberal internationalism.

The ‘Missing’ Men of International Relations

Jeff Hearn • May 23 2012 • Articles

It is rather rare for international relations to be seen from a gender perspective. Just as the state is still often represented as gender-neutral, so too usually are relations between states and other aspects of IR.

Depletion: The Costs of Unpaid Domestic Work

How is it possible to know if the non-recognition of the value of domestic work undermines the possibilities for achieving gender justice?

Working Toward Female Representation in the UK Parliament

Lynne Featherstone • Mar 1 2012 • Articles

Women have changed the face of the UK parliament in recent years and shown they are a real force to be reckoned with. However, despite progress, it is still nowhere near reflecting the percentage of women in the country.

The Amazon, the Rhetor, and the Priest: Feminism, Politics and Religion

Darlene Juschka • Oct 16 2010 • Articles

The Amazons of ancient Greek myth were a warrior people, but more than this, they were female warriors whose world was dominated by and for women. This article entertains the iconicity of the Amazon, Rhetor and priest, speaks to how such representation shapes interaction between each of them, and finally demonstrates how representations of and tensions between these narratives play out in our social body

Fixing Gender in International Politics

Marysia Zalewski • Aug 18 2010 • Articles

There a palpable sense of both exuberance and excitement in recent developments in gender and international politics. Though I use the word gender, this still tends to end up meaning women; I wonder why this is, especially as scholarly texts distinctly and convincingly explain that gender is not just about women. And though this is surely true, the idea doesn’t seem to stick, or at least stick where we want it to.

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