Foreign Policy

The EU’s Democracy-Stability Dilemma Persists in Egypt

Sally Khalifa Isaac • Aug 1 2013 • Articles

Negative assessments of Egypt’s democratic transition contrasted with positive assessments of its foreign policies suggests that the democracy-stability dilemma persists in EU-Egyptian relations.

Review – Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times

Kurt Weyland • Jul 24 2013 • Features

In examining 25 years of Brazil’s foreign policy, Vigevani and Cepaluni skillfully employ lessons from the past to inform the course the state must take to outgrow, outcompete, and eventually overtake the U.S.

I Say Democracy Promotion, You Say Democracy-Development, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off?

Matthew A. Hill • May 24 2013 • Articles

The failures to develop stable democracies in Afghanistan and Iraq have shaped the study of U.S. democracy promotion.

Conviction Foreign Policy: Thatcher and Blair Compared

Stephen Dyson • Apr 30 2013 • Articles

Both Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair can be described as implementing conviction foreign policies. This is a product of their temperament and characterised by relentless certainty.

John Kerry’s Pacific Dream

Zachary Keck • Apr 25 2013 • Articles

The Pacific Dream concept sought to advance two central U.S. foreign policy goals in the Asia-Pacific: expanding the scope of the U.S. pivot beyond defense, and isolating China without singling it out.

Opportunity and Peril in the North Korean Standoff

Dan G. Cox • Apr 9 2013 • Articles

Most pundits have determined that Kim Jong Un has consolidated power and is now about to, irrationally, strike out against South Korea and her allies. But, what if this assumption is an error?

Russian Soft Power Under Construction

Oleg Shakirov • Feb 14 2013 • Articles

Prospects for a fully-fledged, globally-oriented Russian soft power strategy are promising. But this change of attitude seems to be coming from the top down.

Twenty Years after Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilisations’

Jeffrey Haynes • Feb 10 2013 • Articles

Huntington’s work, although flawed in various respects, perfectly captured the zeitgeist at the end of the Cold War and encapsulated the hopes and fears of globalisation.

Phronesis, Ethics and Realism

Richard Shapcott • Feb 7 2013 • Articles

Realist accounts of phronesis are misguided. Phronesis is not just prudence in the sense of a reasoned recognition of the limits of what can be done, but also an ethical virtue that involves reflection on means and ends.

Bhutan: Elections 2013

Medha Bisht • Jan 2 2013 • Articles

While Bhutan has a way to go in its democratization process, as certain social and economic issues need to be tackled, there are also foreign policy challenges which will have to be addressed in 2013 and beyond.

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