
China’s Rise in the African Franc Zone and France’s Containment Policy

Afa'anwi Ma'abo Che • Aug 7 2019 • Articles

Any curtailment to China’s ambitions in Franc Zone Africa would only dent people’s prospects of benefiting from its unmatched commitment to the continent.

Interview – Céline Pajon

E-International Relations • Jun 13 2019 • Features

Céline Pajon talks to us about the impact of Abenomics, France-Japan relations, as well as Japan’s increasing assertiveness and France’s role in the Asia-Pacific region.

Future of Popular Geopolitics: Croatia, Affective Nationalism and the World Cup

MašaKolanović • Oct 30 2018 • Articles

In looking at popular geopolitics as a kind of “post-language”, we can use sport as a metaphor of national identity.

The Day after Tomorrow: The EU and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Victor Gigleux • Sep 18 2018 • Articles

The EU should lead a multi-dimensional diplomacy to rebuild trust and secure the participation of the original signatories on the basis of a more comprehensive agreement.

The European Court of Human Rights and Face Veil Bans

Eva Brems • Feb 21 2018 • Articles

While face veil bans may not dramatically reduce the small number of face veil wearers in Europe, it does have a strong impact on the lifestyle of these women.

Review – Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades

Sara Salem • Dec 18 2017 • Features

Peter Hudis’ book is a concise yet rich contribution to the literature on the life and work of Frantz Fanon, which convincingly demonstrates Fanon’s continued relevance.

Europe in the Macron Era: En Marche Once More?

Susi Dennison • Jun 12 2017 • Articles

Following Macron’s victory, Europe’s leaders must show that the EU can provide the opportunities it promises, through delivery on the issues that voters care about most.

Populism and Religious Nationalism in France and Indonesia

Nicholas Morieson • May 23 2017 • Articles

Religion appears to re-emerge in both French and Indonesian elections as a source of national identity to exclude those who do not share the heritage of the majority.

Why Macron’s Victory Is a Triumph for Disillusionment and Populism

Russell Foster • May 16 2017 • Articles

Emmanuel Macron’s victory represents the reproduction of the same forces which birthed the recent wave of popular apathy and hostility to transnational elites.

A Guide to the Unpredictable French Presidential Election

Benjamin Leruth • Apr 22 2017 • Articles

This French presidential election is by far the most unpredictable of recent decades. The new French political landscape is more fascinating than ever.

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