
Islamophobia(s) In the Aftermath of the Nice Attack

Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter • Jul 28 2016 • Articles

To understand the changing nature of Islamophobia, it is necessary to understand it in the plural and to differentiate between its illiberal and liberal forms.

Qui est Charlie?

Simon Thompson • Mar 6 2015 • Articles

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks some commentators have said that free speech should have no limits. In fact, it does – and nearly everyone agrees that it should.

There Aren’t Any Moderate Muslims in France

Joel Vessels • Feb 2 2015 • Articles

Charlie Hebdo has often played the role of public conscience in France, raising important concerns, lashing out at social injustice, and parodying public idiocy.

La Haine: Laïcité, Charlie Hebdo and the Republican War on Religion

Giorgio Shani • Jan 29 2015 • Articles

The Republican war against religion has played its part in creating the conditions whereby the message of the jihadis now has resonance amongst the alienated youth.

Balancing on a Warship

Andreas Kuersten • Dec 15 2014 • Articles

In a precarious but skilful positioning in its Mistral contract with Russia, France will continue to stand firmly infirm between domestic and international duties.

Policing in France: Some Tips for a Would-be President?

Mark Jordan • Oct 8 2014 • Articles

Any would-be president needing better ratings could improve the state’s relationship with large sections of its citizenry by addressing the institution of policing.

S.A.S. v France: The French Burqa Ban and Religious Freedom

Lucy Vickers • Sep 10 2014 • Articles

The conclusion of the Court in the S.A.S. case is disappointing. It gives leeway to states to legislate to uphold the very nebulous concept of ‘living together’.

The Power of Peace: Why 1814 Might Matter More than 1914

Stella Ghervas and David Armitage • Apr 7 2014 • Articles

This year marks not only the centenary of the First World War, but the bicentenary of the Congress of Vienna. The contrast between memories of these events is striking.

From Secularism to Reciprocity: Banning the Veil in France and Beyond

Peter Baehr and Daniel Gordon • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

The concept of democratic reciprocity offers a way to understand France’s ban on full-face coverings and can explain why France’s approach has proved attractive to other countries.

The EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy and the Mali Crisis

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Aug 16 2013 • Articles

Civilian crisis management and reconstruction is where the EU should focus its collective efforts, leaving joint military interventions to NATO.

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