
Holism, Religion and Geopolitics

Don Handelman • Oct 31 2015 • Articles

Any attempt to keep things together in holistic ways, will have intimations of religion which continually challenge any geopolitics based on liberal values.

A Simple Paradigm for Noopolitics: The Geopolitics of Knowledge

Idriss J. Aberkane • Oct 15 2015 • Articles

The interaction between knowledge and power reformulates simple geopolitical principles that have been all-to-often forgotten by Classical Realism.

Review – The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics

Kunal Mukherjee • Jun 24 2015 • Features

Small gives us a fresh and well-researched book on Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Afghani politics and the key geopolitical security issues of the Asian region.

Imperial Imaginaries: Employing Science Fiction to Talk about Geopolitics

Robert A. Saunders • Jun 11 2015 • Articles

Pop Culture stages debates on complex topics associated with the history of imperialism, geopolitical thinking and the relationship between territory, space and power.

Democracy and Geopolitics: Understanding Ukraine’s Threat to Russia

Paul D'Anieri • May 11 2015 • Articles

For Russia to feel secure, Ukraine needs to be geopolitically neutralised. Otherwise to renew stability either Russia or the West will have to accept the loss of Ukraine.

Between East & West: NATO Enlargement & the Geopolitics of the Ukraine Crisis

Edward W. Walker • Apr 13 2015 • Articles

The post-Cold War security architecture and the enlargement of NATO have played the main role in creating the conditions for and exacerbating the Ukraine crisis.

ISIS: Sectarianism, Geopolitics and Strong/Weak Horses

Simon Mabon • Apr 10 2015 • Articles

There are many reasons, both endogenous and exogenous as to why people would join ISIS. Still, questions remain as to what motivates an individual to travel and fight.

An Unnecessary War: The Geopolitical Roots of the Ukraine Crisis

Peter Rutland • Apr 9 2015 • Articles

Ukraine’s geopolitical position, and the interventions of competing outside powers pursuing their own self-interest led to the continuing civil war in Ukraine.

Sláinte: The Performative Geopolitics of the Irish Pub

Robert A. Saunders • Mar 10 2015 • Articles

With the internationalisation of the Irish pub one should note the performative geopolitics that typically characterise the space: historic maps, flags and rebel songs.

International Security in the Anthropocene

Simon Dalby • Feb 23 2015 • Articles

Climate change is a production issue, not a matter of environmental protection. Recognizing that the world is changing rapidly is the key to successful social adaptation.

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