
GPS: Geopolitics and Security – Critical Perspectives From Royal Holloway

The GPS Contributors • Oct 16 2012 • Articles

e-IR’s latest blog will feature contributors from Royal Holloway who will offer a new distinctive perspective on geopolitical and security research and analysis.

Noopolitik in the Arctic

Idriss J. Aberkane and Eirin B. Haug • Oct 8 2012 • Articles

The Arctic Game is much more significant than a mere geopolitical race between a fractured NATO, Russia and China. It will reveal the maturity, or lack thereof, of all its players.

The Geopolitical Challenge of the Non-Aligned: Iran 2012-2015

Marina Diaz Sanz • Sep 26 2012 • Articles

The Non-Aligned do not seem to agree on the writing of international relations that assign them the role of a passive agent, and it is precisely from that locus of enunciation that they are posing a geopolitical challenge.

International Response to Bahrain’s Arab Spring

Shamiran Mako • Jul 17 2012 • Articles

The implications of the Arab Spring on surviving regional powers has been overshadowed by geopolitical and geostrategic interests. Bahrain exemplifies this quagmire.

Review – Theorising Medieval Geopolitics

Andrew Linklater • Jun 27 2012 • Features

The medieval era is largely-neglected in IR. Latham’s innovative study stimulates large questions about the relationship between the medieval and modern international orders.

Review – The Future of Power

Luke M. Herrington • May 24 2012 • Features

Nye offers an intriguing analysis of the changing nature of power and how new geopolitical and economic trends will alter world politics in the coming years.

Review – Strategic Vision

Alex Stark • Mar 29 2012 • Features

In this book, Zbigniew Brzezinski surveys the forces today that will shape the geo-political landscape of the near- and medium-term future.

Review – Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet

Luke M. Herrington • Jan 9 2012 • Features

Klare’s analysis is timely, well written, and intriguing considering its central thesis that the world’s reliance on fossil fuels will eventually lead to increased geopolitical tensions. While other books offer a more thorough account, this is a welcome read.

Review – Geopolitics of the World System

Abbas Kardan • Sep 21 2010 • Features

Cohen’s Geopolitics of the World System examines the dramatic changes wrought by ideological and economic forces unleashed by the end of the Cold War. Cohen considers these forces in the context of their human and physical settings and explores their geographical influence on foreign policy and international relations.

Is Iran Next? The Importance of Geopolitics

Simon Dalby • Jul 10 2008 • Articles

In many ways geopolitics is so obvious that it doesn’t need to be thought about; it’s the taken for granted arrangement of things that provides the context for policy making. Except that what it most obvious in how we understand the world isn’t necessarily the only way things can be understood. Given dominant geopolitical specifications in the White House then, what are the prospects for an attack on Iran?

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