Global South

Opinion — Cloaked to Invisibility: Circular Migrants in India

Harshita Sinha • Oct 13 2020 • Articles

While migrant workers have the constitutionally guaranteed right to move, reside and work across India, their presence in the city remains peripheral

Beirut After the Explosion: The Effects on the Cultural Heritage and the Museums

It is necessary to put aside a colonial narrative for one that will allow for a sustainable and locally-owned management of future projects.

Signs from the Global South: Development with Deaf Communities

Eilidh Rose McEwan • Aug 27 2020 • Articles

The recognition and promotion of signed languages, the natural language of the deaf, offers a powerful route to lasting and effective change.

International NGOs: Legitimacy, Mandates and Strategic Innovation

Hans Peter Schmitz • Aug 26 2020 • Articles

Profound changes in how INGOs frame their actions have fundamentally shifted perceptions of their legitimacy. For critics, they no longer do what their original purpose was.

Opinion – Fears and Failures: Global Governance and the Crisis in Cameroon

Michelle Sanson • Aug 25 2020 • Articles

What makes people defend a prevailing system which is deeply flawed? Fear. Fear that power may be exercised in a manner they do not agree with, that freedoms may be lost.

Opinion – Revisiting Paradiplomacy in the Context of COVID-19

Mariano Alvarez and Nahuel Oddone • Aug 5 2020 • Articles

If the local dimension is called to occupy a relevant space in the international arena, it will depend on the effort and creativity of local actors.

From the Third World to the Global South

Alina Sajed • Jul 27 2020 • Articles

The idea of Global South could not have emerged without the conceptual work done by the term Third World, and indeed without the legacy left by its historical landmarks.

State-Building, Sovereignty and Migration Management in the Global South

Fiona B. Adamson and Gerasimos Tsourapas • Jul 22 2020 • Articles

State migration policy has a long history of being used as a means of creating or preserving a particular (often racialized) form of national identity.

The Global South as a Political Project

Luciana Ballestrin • Jul 3 2020 • Articles

The Global South is a political project which faces several challenges and is permanently disputed by progressive and regressive forces in the multipolar context.

Opinion — Paradiplomacy in Times of Pandemic: The Paths Ahead

Mariano Alvarez • Jul 1 2020 • Articles

Although the Covid-19 pandemic poses challenges for states and international relations, it has already shown that paradiplomacy has an important role to play

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