
It’s population, stupid!

Simon Ross • Jan 19 2011 • Articles

The world is facing a sea of troubles, and is increasingly struggling to see a route through them. Indefinite growth was never going to be possible in a finite world. Pollution is increasing, whether of noise, light, plastic, chemicals or a range of other by-products. Amenity and quality of life is being degraded, as wild spaces are encroached upon and we live ever more congested and crowded lives

The Euro and the RMB

Feina Cai • Nov 17 2010 • Articles

As an emerging power, China’s role within domains of international trade, economy and politics has increased dramatically in recent years. Accompanied with the country’s increase in international weight, the Chinese currency Renminbi (RMB) has become more and more significant in international financial market. Simultaneously, the dispute over RMB’s revaluation has recently become a recurrent theme

Review – Geopolitics of the World System

Abbas Kardan • Sep 21 2010 • Features

Cohen’s Geopolitics of the World System examines the dramatic changes wrought by ideological and economic forces unleashed by the end of the Cold War. Cohen considers these forces in the context of their human and physical settings and explores their geographical influence on foreign policy and international relations.

Raising the Bar on Chocolate: Cocoa Farmers in Ghana Shape the Future

Pauline Tiffen • Jul 3 2010 • Articles

In 1993 Ghana initiated the partial liberalisation of its most significant economic export, cocoa beans. Having resisted World Bank pressure to liberalise fully, the Cocoa Marketing Board retained its monopoly on exports through the Cocoa Marketing Company. It thus sustained its farm-to-port quality control system of every sack and its authority to determine the terms of trade

Why Gender Matters in/to the Global Economy

Penny Griffin • Jun 21 2010 • Articles

During the apparent peak of the so-called Global Financial Crisis in 2009, a flurry of descriptions of the crisis as a ‘mancession’ emerged. To ignore or trivialise gender in the global economy is to fail to appreciate the power of a basic and fundamental system of identification through which we understand the world; a system that organises how we respond to our environments, our abilities to survive, our goals in life, and how we approach our relationships.

Hostages of Culturalism

Milan Vukomanovic • Jun 10 2010 • Articles

What is multiculturalism? Is it a concept that is often uncritically used in the contemporary ‘civic’ and academic discourse, whereby those who employ it rarely feel the need to define it? Is it the state of affairs in some countries, the fact that several cultures coexist there, or perhaps some ideal that is still to be reached, something that implies political and social changes in a society? What if three cultures on the same territory promote cultural dogmas which are mutually irreconcilable?

Guerrilla Diplomacy for the 21st Century: Rethinking International Relations in a World of Insecurity

Daryl Copeland • Apr 6 2010 • Articles

Diplomacy can help make the world a better place, but it has failed to adapt to the imperatives of world order management in the 21st century. It has been sidelined, under-resourced and marginalized by governments almost everywhere. If this is to change, grand strategy will have to be reconsidered.

China Rising: Friend or Foe?

Helena Baillio • Mar 24 2010 • Articles

As a power such as China come to rise, it can at its discretion take the role of a rival, a partner, or disguise itself and ultimately be both. Therefore, an emphasis on human rights through public diplomacy and positive interaction with both China and the international community may be the key that opens the door to building positive relations between the United States and China in the future.

The Globalization of Religious Advocacy in America

Allen D. Hertzke • Feb 28 2010 • Articles

National religious lobbies and advocacy organizations represent a growing phenomenon of political life in America. One of the striking recent developments is the globalization of the focus, constituencies, and vision of this religious political advocacy. From the beginning of the republic, national religious interest groups have focused periodically on international relations.

What’s at Stake in the Doha Development Round?

Tony Heron • Dec 11 2009 • Articles

It is almost ten years to the day since the collapse of the Seattle ministerial, but a new trade deal seems no more likely now that at any other point in the negotiations. This does not necessarily mean that a deal cannot be reached. In fact with sufficient compromise on the part of both developed and developing countries it is even possible, albeit perhaps unlikely, that a deal could be struck in 2010.

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