International Law

A Critical Introduction to the ‘Legalisation of World Politics’

Peter Brett • Mar 8 2012 • Articles

Contrary to realist expectations, states have frequently engaged in institutionalised co-operation even under conditions of anarchy.

The Karadzic Case: Fair Trial or Show Trial?

Peter Robinson • Mar 1 2012 • Articles

Radovan Karadzic, the former President of the Bosnian Serb Republic, finds himself on trial at an international tribunal established to prosecute him. His legal defense, Peter Robinson, asks whether it is a fair trial or show trial.

Humanitarian Intervention: A Legal Analysis

Kirthi Jayakumar • Feb 6 2012 • Articles

The fact is that humanitarian intervention is here to stay. Instead of trying to get rid of it there is more prudence in allowing the lesser evil of a streamlined and legally-regulated form of humanitarian intervention to continue.

The ICTY and the Challenges of Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia

Janine Natalya Clark • Jan 23 2012 • Articles

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has issued 161 indictments since its establishment in 1993. But has it had a positive impact on peace and reconciliation?

Intervention in the Internal Affairs of States

Anthony Paphiti • Oct 25 2011 • Articles

The moral imperative to intervene in a nation’s internal affairs where acts of genocide are threatened is a powerful one. That the UN is eager to push the doctrine of R2P and to re-define sovereignty to permit intervention in a state’s internal affairs is testimony to the fact that the Charter does not provide that legal authority. It should.

Where Does Article 38 Stand Today?

Kirthi Jayakumar • Oct 12 2011 • Articles

Although Article 38 has helped define international law as a discipline distinct from politics and international relations, it has fallen short of seeing the process through. As dynamic as society is, law needs to be one step ahead to ensure that there is a means to keep actions and omissions in check.

Leal’s Execution was Legal (Sort Of), But That Doesn’t Make it Right

Monica Haymond • Jul 16 2011 • Articles

The international community watched with muted anger Friday afternoon as Texas executed Mexican national Humberto Leal Garcia after the Supreme Court refused to stay his sentence. Little doubt remains that in doing so, the United States violated the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, and this is not the first such occurrence.

The Limits and Pitfalls of the International Criminal Court in Africa

Phil Clark • Apr 28 2011 • Articles

While we should scrutinise the ICC’s work in Africa, it is important to recognise that international justice is not the only possible response to atrocity. National and local processes are proving to be vital tools of justice, truth and reconciliation across Africa, more profound and lasting than the prosecution of suspects in The Hague.

State Security v Human Rights: Finding a Proportionate Balance

Emily Owen • Aug 28 2010 • Essays

The threat posed by extreme terrorism to the United Kingdom is both serious and ongoing, specifically since the catastrophic events 9/11 and 7/7. Security and liberty are both essential to modern democracy, but they do not hold equal value. Thus, security should be given greater weight than liberty in order to secure the state and prevent future terrorist attacks.

The ICJ and Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Anything Resolved?

Stefan Wolff • Jul 25 2010 • Articles

I always tell my students, when sitting an exam, that they have to answer the question that has been set rather than one that they feel comfortable with. No analogy is ever perfect, but this one sums up pretty neatly the outcome of the deliberations by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

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