It remains to be seen how post-election politics may play out, especially as these post-autonomy polls offer no solution for the geopolitical predicament that is Kashmir.
Navnita Behera discusses the multilayered nature of the Kashmir conflict, the key ethical issues for research in conflict zones, and her work drawing on dharmic cosmology.
The act of public mourning carries with it the power to unsettle and offend mainstream narratives by bringing to the fore the truth about disappearances in Kashmir.
Perspectives of violence, visuality and disability help reveal ways of seeing in Kasmir and how the blinded body serves both as a sight and site of politics.
Chitralekha Zutshi talks about the making of Kashmiri identity, the Kashmir conflict, and the significance of recent constitutional changes made by the BJP.
To think of woman soldiers stationed in Kashmir as gender liberation seeks to make invisible the violence that is central to the Indian State’s presence in and control over Kashmir.
There is far more at stake for Islamabad in upgrading the region to provisional provincial status than merely appeasing Beijing or angering New Delhi.
Amidst a breakdown in relations over Kashmir, signs are pointing towards another war between Pakistan and India.
The Security Council limited the Kashmiri people to accession into either India or Pakistan, in fact privileging another norm: the existing sovereign state’s rights.
A façade of nationalism, security and religion is successfully curated under which the masculine politics dances relentlessly.
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