Latin America

A Decolonial Feminist Analysis of Narratives from Nicaragua and El Salvador

Fiore Bran Aragón • Jun 17 2021 • Articles

The infra-political and political resistances articulated by migrant women and caregiver grandmothers contribute to the reconfiguration of their identities.

Review – Latin American Extractivism

Richard W. Coughlin • Jun 4 2021 • Features

Steve Ellner’s edited work provides an insightful, if not wholly convincing, argument against dismissing the pink tide and the associated approach to extractivism in Latin America.

China-Latin America Cooperation: An Alternative for Autonomy and Development?

Lívia Peres Milani • Apr 28 2021 • Articles

In trade, finance, and strategic cooperation, China’s growth meant new opportunities for Latin America and reduced dependence on the United States.

Interview – Gabriel Passetti

E-International Relations • Jan 11 2021 • Features

Gabriel Passetti highlights the historic role of the British Empire in Latin America and New Zealand, and inter-American relations from the 19th century to the present day.

Opinion — US Policies towards Latin America: What to Expect from the November Elections

Rafael R. Ioris • Oct 13 2020 • Articles

US involvements with Latin America are certain to remain tied to an agenda of national security concerns, despite the electoral result.

The Boom of Guyana’s Oil Industry: Opportunities and Challenges of the New Petrostate

William Clavijo • Aug 7 2020 • Articles

Due to the size of Guyana’s economy, the impact of increased oil production will place the country as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

Mercosur-Pacific Alliance Convergence: Moving Forward or Moving Nowhere?

Julia Borba Goncalves • Jul 24 2020 • Articles

The Mercosur-Pacific Alliance’s ‘Plan of Action’ provides the opportunity to reestablish regional coordination and integration in Latin America.

Opinion – Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy is Typically Latin American

Rodrigo Fracalossi de Moraes • Jul 13 2020 • Articles

The ideas guiding Bolsonaro’s foreign policy are not essentially different from those championed by many others who preceded him.

Opinion – The Survival of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution

Víctor M. Mijares • Jul 7 2020 • Articles

The Bolivarian Revolution and its authoritarian resilience can be interpreted as manifestations of a larger global process relating to the decline of the liberal order.

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