
Realist-Liberal Divide? Power & Progress in a World in Transition

Jack Snyder • May 21 2012 • Articles

Scholars and public commentators need to integrate the insights of the realist logic of struggle for domination and security, with the liberal logic of political development and change.

Islamic liberalism: Mission impossible?

Mustafa Akyol • Dec 29 2011 • Articles

The post Arab Spring era is one in which many western liberals fear the rise of Islamist parties in post-revolutionary Arab states. If we are lucky, more democracies can soon emerge in the Middle East, and Islamic liberalism, which is actually not that much of an oxymoron, will be reborn.

The ideological basis of a Liberal – Conservative pact

Gavin Cleaver • May 12 2010 • Articles

The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats share a deep-rooted ideological background. This vision is founded on the promotion of civil liberties over government expansion. Both are committed to making individuals responsible for their own lives, be this by a non-judgemental conception of individual morality or a smaller, less intrusive government. There is no reason to doubt the compatibility of the two parties.

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