
Left and Religion: An Approach beyond the Dichotomy of Progressivism and Reactionism

Ozgur Taskaya and Ozdeniz Pektas • Apr 5 2011 • Articles

One of the hotly debated topics in leftist circles is religion itself. While most leftists, especially since the birth of Marxism, have criticized religion with the desire of its downfall, there have been attempts by some to unite them, as in liberation theology, Christian communists and Islamic socialists.

The Critique of Marxism and the Criticism of Religion

Warren S. Goldstein • Oct 18 2010 • Articles

Critical theory needs to reevaluate its relationship to positivistic social sciences. A critical approach to religion will help us better understand not only the roots of religious conflict, but also how it unfolds. It may help us make better sense of the religious right, of fundamentalisms and orthodoxies of all kinds, which stand in the way of progressive social change.

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