
Migrant Cosmopolitanism

Thomas Nail • Apr 11 2013 • Articles

Republican cosmopolitanism is only part of cosmopolitanism—the most reactionary part. The true agents and movers of cosmopolitan history and politics have always been, and continue to be, migrants.

Conservative Euroscepticism: The Etiology of an Obsession

Tim Bale • Nov 15 2012 • Articles

Conflict between those Conservatives who will push things to the limit but then pull back, and those for whom no such limit now exists could destroy, or disable, the Party.

Human Rights and State Security: The Conflicting Features of International Migration

Jalil Abdallah • Sep 19 2012 • Articles

Irregular migration is a difficult test of the constructive interaction between two fixtures of modern political dialogue: the protection of individual human rights and the obligation of state’s to maintain security for their citizens.

Ill-informed or entrepreneurial? Chinese traders in Serbia

Maja Korac • Oct 16 2011 • Articles

The phenomenon of Chinese migration to Serbia, which is one of their newest migration destinations in Europe, is hardly ever mentioned in migration literature. By developing transnational links and translocal livelihood strategies, Chinese traders are transforming disadvantages of both sending and destination areas into opportunities.

On Multiculturalism, Islam, and the Far Right

Terri E. Givens • Sep 13 2011 • Articles

The July 2011 attacks in Norway have once again brought the issues surrounding success of far right parties and movements to the fore in Europe, as well as governmental responses to immigration and immigrant integration. Although Anders Breivik attacked members of the Norwegian governing party, his “manifesto” focused on support for multiculturalism and the spread of Islam.

Greece: Between Racism and Respect for Multiculturalism

Angeliki Mitropoulou • May 24 2011 • Articles

All Greeks have to understand, before it is too late, that from now on we have to co-exist and live together with immigrants, illegal or not (but mostly the former). Therefore, this new reality has raised important questions regarding acceptance or marginalization, legalization, multiculturalism, and national security, or even sovereignty.


Harvey M. Sapolsky • May 28 2010 • Articles

The state of Arizona recently enacted a statute which allowes police officers to inquire about the immigration status of individuals they stop for other infractions of the law such as speeding or failure to yield for a pedestrian.

Africa through a Diaspora Lens

Ato Quayson • Feb 22 2010 • Articles

Even though we cannot dismiss the nation as a unit of analysis of identity, it is evident that posing the question of identity in the world today cannot be done exclusively through a nationalist lens. The sooner we take seriously the significance of the constitutive mixing of peoples, the sooner we will be able to come to a better sense of what work identities perform in the world today

Racism and violence in Northern Ireland: Romanian Roma driven out of Belfast

Marie Breen-Smyth • Jul 1 2009 • Articles

The Roma, Gypsy and Traveller Communities are the largest ethnic minority within the EU, and one that has been comprehensively failed by various initiatives to end racism targeted at them. Northern Ireland in the bad old days had very little immigration, the tide was flowing in the other direction. Today, that it is no longer the case, but it remains a comprehensively segregated society.

Migration and State-making: Explaining Xenophobia in South Africa

Peter Vale • Jul 23 2008 • Articles

What has become of the idea of the Rainbow Nation, the triumphant trope broadcast by the irrepressible Nobel Laureate, Desmond Tutu, and in which all the country’s people, under Nelson Mandela, rejoiced?

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