
Thinking Global Podcast – Mauricio Palma-Gutiérrez

E-International Relations • Jul 31 2023 • Features

Mauricio Palma-Gutiérrez discusses migration and displacement in South America, focussing specifically on the practices of those states along the South American Andes.

Interview – Christiane Fröhlich

E-International Relations • Jun 29 2023 • Features

Christiane Fröhlich explores the relationship between climate change, human mobility and conflict, as well as the role governments and policymakers play.

Review – People Forced to Flee

Martin Duffy • May 17 2023 • Features

This comprehensive account of forced displacement highlights the potential for change, advocates more judicial action, and tackles the organisation’s own failings.

Reflecting on the Syrian Migration Crisis

By any standard of evaluation, many Eastern Mediterranean governments failed to meet the standards of democratic values and human rights as the Syrian migration wore on.

National Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis: The Cases of Libya and Malta

Emma Casey and Yannis A. Stivachtis • May 8 2023 • Articles

The lack of a coherent EU migration and asylum policy has placed Maltese officials in a situation where they perceive that an aggressive anti-migrant posture is their most viable course politically.

The Critical Role of Turkey in the Management of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Dimitris Tsarouhas • May 6 2023 • Articles

Turkey has sought to cope with the crisis in two distinct ways and over two identifiable phases.

Interview – Kristina Roepstorff

E-International Relations • May 4 2023 • Features

Kristina Roepstorff discusses her multidisciplinary approach, fieldwork, and developments in humanitarian action particularly in relation to migration and the pandemic.

Italy’s Mixed Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Augusta Nannerini • May 3 2023 • Articles

The Italian response to the Syrian crisis is complex and must be understood in light of the many nuances that it has assumed over time in different scenarios.

From Transit Country to Destination: The Road to Refugee and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in Greece

Alexandra Prodromidou and Faye Ververidou • Apr 28 2023 • Articles

Greece’s transition to a destination nation requires drastic measures to bridge the policy implementation gap in integration.

UNHCR, National Policies and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan

Neda Moayerian and Max O. Stephenson Jr. • Apr 24 2023 • Articles

The dominant framing of refugees as passive and vulnerable and in need of state protection and/or reunification must change.

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