
Women’s Power to Stop War: Lessons for the International Studies Association

Natalie Florea Hudson • Jun 4 2015 • Articles

Creative energy and renewed multilateralism is needed to challenge the ideological imperialism that dominates our thinking, research and action around peace and security.

Evolving Canadian Multilateralism

Robert W. Murray • Sep 26 2014 • Articles

Every state’s foreign policy should be designed to maximize security and pursue national interests. But Canada’s current approach may not lead to the desired outcomes.

Multilateralism: The Ideological Matrix of the European Union

Goran Ilik • Jan 15 2011 • Articles

The EU builds its identity based on collaboration as an element of its ideological matrix. If not as a superpower, the EU in the 21st century, could be a medium, or a multilateral agora, which through its international Kantianism, will initiate the creation of new, and the preservation of existent multilateral organizations

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