
Review – Russia and the New World Disorder

Joseph Larsen • Nov 27 2015 • Features

An informative and lucid scholarly contribution that expertly blends the domestic and international to offer a compelling account of how policy is made in Russia.

Review Article – The BRICs and International Relations

Ray Kiely • Nov 21 2015 • Features

These two academically rigorous books serve as valuable guides to the relations among BRICs and provide engaging analyses on their impact on international order.

LGBT Rights, Standards of ‘Civilisation’ and the Multipolar World Order

Katja Kahlina and Dušica Ristivojević • Sep 10 2015 • Articles

LGBT rights have been turned into an important site where the on-going restructuring of symbolic and geopolitical hierarchies at the global level has been played out.

Evolving Canadian Multilateralism

Robert W. Murray • Sep 26 2014 • Articles

Every state’s foreign policy should be designed to maximize security and pursue national interests. But Canada’s current approach may not lead to the desired outcomes.

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