
The Influence of China in Bringing Peace to Myanmar

Aisha Ismail and Elliot Dolan-Evans • Oct 23 2017 • Articles

China’s overall strategy in the world’s longest civil war that takes place in Myanmar is unclear, and its interests may not always align with a robust peace process.

Review – Comparative Study of Child Soldiering on Myanmar-China Border

Simon Reich • Jan 26 2016 • Features

Despite its briefness, this title does an admirable job of explaining the underlying causes of what is arguably the most acute case of child soldiering today.

Reports on Genocide in Myanmar Highlight the Need for Change

Ronan Lee • Jan 24 2016 • Articles

The situation for the majority of Rakhine State’s residents, Buddhist and Muslim, is dreadful. But, for the Rohingya Muslims it is tragic.

Managing Expectations in NLD-led Myanmar

Matthew Mullen • Dec 18 2015 • Articles

Rooting out predatory power such as that firmly in place after decades of military rule in Myanmar requires public and international buy-in.

Problems with Facts about Rohingya Statelessness

Nick Cheesman • Dec 8 2015 • Articles

Ironically, and tragically, the surpassing symbolic and juridical power of ‘national race’ identity is for the Rohingya at once their problem and their solution.

What Next for the Rohingya in Myanmar? Suu Kyi’s Balancing Act after the Election

Mathew Davies • Dec 6 2015 • Articles

The muslim minority Rohingya have long been the targets of persecution from the local Buddhist majority, the military, and the central government.

The Rohingya, Genocide and a New Dawn for Myanmar

Andrew Fagan • Dec 6 2015 • Articles

Putting right the terrible suffering which has been systematically inflicted upon the Rohingya is going to require a great deal of political courage.

String of Pearls: India and the Geopolitics of Chinese Foreign Policy

Ashay Abbhi • Jul 26 2015 • Articles

At the cusp of energy security balances the diplomatic battle in the Indian Ocean has generated enough interest for the world to watch the passive stand-offs keenly.

Who Has a Right to Belong?

Simon Thompson • Jun 3 2015 • Articles

Whilst there might be international conventions which address the internally displaced, refugees, and the stateless the gap between theory and practice seems very large.

Should International Relations Scholars Care About Religious Freedom?

Peter Henne • Apr 22 2013 • Articles

Since religious repression can contribute to extremist ideology and violence then religious freedom can be vital in addressing religiously inspired civil wars and terrorism.

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