
‘A Slippery Slope?’ The Impact of Scottish Independence on Wales

Mari Elin Wiliam • Oct 29 2012 • Articles

With different historical legacies, independence for Scotland would not mean the same for Wales. Though, it might well instigate a break-up of Britain into component, federal parts.

Is the Independence Issue Back on the Agenda in Quebec?

Éric Bélanger and Chris Chhim • Oct 21 2012 • Articles

Quebecers may be hesitant to accept complete independence for Quebec. But even if Quebec sovereignty is currently not the vibrant force that it used to be, the larger question of Quebec’s place in the Canadian federation remains unresolved.

Growing up a Proud Racist in Burma

Maung Zarni • Sep 12 2012 • Articles

As a former racist who grew up thinking that those deemed to pose a threat to Burma’s sovereignty and Buddhist identity should be ‘gassed’, I feel a deep chill thinking about what Burmese society is evolving into.

Nationalism, the Parti Quebecois, and the 2012 Quebec General Election

Glen Duerr • Sep 10 2012 • Articles

The election of Pauline Marois should be seen as another nationalist challenge to Canada’s national unity. Yet, with only 32 percent of the popular vote, her powers to hold a referendum are constrained.

Nationalism, Racism and the Olympic Industry

Helen Jefferson Lenskyj • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

Racism works hand-in-hand with international rivalries and tensions to generate media firestorms. In this respect, the Olympic industry’s reliance on rhetoric of international peace and friendship has long lacked any credibility.

Would Scottish Independence Matter to Basques?

Atsuko Ichijo • Jul 12 2012 • Articles

There has not been much consideration of how Scotland potentially seceding from the UK might impact the Basque movement in Spain. Despite the many similarities between the two cases, it is unlikely to have much impact.

South Sudan a Year On: Statehood in Perspective

Hagar Taha • Jul 6 2012 • Articles

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the South Sudanese state’s creation, the country is still plagued with many of the issues it has faced for decades. Indeed, it’s only because we have inflated expectations of states that we believed it would be any different.

Scottish Energy and Catalan Hope

Edgar Illas • Jul 3 2012 • Articles

The necessity to control one’s economic, political and cultural space in the global market seems to indicate that the separatist sentiment among the Scottish and the Catalans will continue to grow.

Nationalism in the 21st Century

Claire Sutherland • Jan 17 2012 • Articles

Nationalist ideology continues to shape global politics today, but twenty-first century nationalists must reconsider the meaning of self-determination, independence, autonomy and sovereignty in an increasingly interconnected world.

Walking Corpses

Patricia Owens • Apr 6 2010 • Articles

Hannah Arendt’s name has emerged at the forefront of contemporary writing on the possibility of cosmopolitan political forms. The central political issue, for Arendt, was one of appropriate foundation, that is, ‘the setting of a new beginning’ and of ‘lawgiving’. One could read Arendt’s entire theory of politics as an effort to work out the possibility of non-violent, non-imperial, non-ideological political founding.

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