A World Full of Free Riders?

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 1 2017 • Articles

In some American eyes, most recently in the Trump administration, the rich nations of the world appear to find excuses to do little for global security or even their own defense.

European Defence Post-Brexit and ‘EU-NATO Cooperation’: What Level of Ambition?

Jolyon Howorth • Jan 11 2017 • Articles

If it wishes to stabilise its neighbourhood, the EU has no alternative but to develop its capacity to the fullest extent and to become a ‘strategically autonomous’ actor

Germany’s Return to European Leadership

Sten Rynning • Jan 5 2017 • Articles

In the wake of the Brexit vote, Germany is increasingly willing to assume responsibility for the grand edifices of Western cooperation through the UN, the EU and NATO.

What Future for Europe’s Security and Defense Policy?

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Jan 3 2017 • Articles

Six scholars reflect on what lies ahead for European security and defense taking different countries’ strategic interests as their analytical starting point.

New Century, Old Rivalries: Russian Military Modernisation and NATO

Markus Heinrich • Jun 25 2016 • Articles

With both NATO and Russia endeavouring to increase and improve their military capabilities against the other, a new arms race is on the cards.

Interview – Anders Fogh Rasmussen

E-International Relations • May 23 2016 • Features

Anders Fogh Rasmussen elaborates on how we are living in a new Cold War, NATO’s mission in Libya, and discusses Vladimir Putin’s motives in the Middle East.

Trumped Up Alliances?

Alexander Lanoszka • Apr 26 2016 • Articles

If elected, a President Trump will quickly realize that the foreign policy establishment he loves to criticize has not done a bad job on striking deals.

Revisiting Turkey’s Protean Self vs. ‘Other’

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Mar 14 2016 • Essays

‘Ontological insecurity’ provides a more accurate analysis of Turkey’s Europeanization project as an alternative theoretical perspective to realism and constructivism.

Quick to the Rescue: Humanitarian Intervention in Libya

Clotilde Asangna • Nov 9 2015 • Essays

The decision-making process that guided resolution 1973 was based on national interests, realpolitik calculations, geo-strategic considerations, and domestic politics.

Review – The EU’s Foreign Policy: What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action?

Guri Rosen • Nov 3 2015 • Features

This thought-provoking volume on the EU’s role as an international actor contains numerous strong chapters, but sadly their coherence together as a whole is lacking.

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