Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 3

Robert W. Murray • Aug 27 2014 • Articles

It may seem trivial to state that the west helped cause, rather than did cause, the crisis in Ukraine but from a theoretical point of view, this distinction is essential.

Considering NATO’s Long-Term Revitalization

Joshua Spero • Jul 30 2014 • Articles

NATO’s long term revitalization relies on the next debate, revision, and implementation of its all-encompassing Strategic Concept.

Review – Afghanistan, Pakistan and Strategic Change

Wali Aslam • May 26 2014 • Features

Krause and Mallory’s edited collection correctly emphasizes that, despite the West’s long involvement in Afghanistan, a much better understanding is needed.

Can Small Nations Still Feel Secure after the Annexation of Crimea?

Heiko Pääbo • Apr 4 2014 • Articles

In order to restore security of small states, it should be made clear that geopolitical thinking and behind-the-back deal-making is not a norm in international relations.

Geopolitical Considerations of the NATO-Colombia Cooperation Agreement

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Feb 28 2014 • Articles

Placing the NATO-Colombia security cooperation agreement into the context of Latin American geopolitical and geosecurity affairs offers useful insights into its significance.

Humanitarian Intervention in Libya: Not Clash of Civilizations

Afa'anwi Ma'abo Che • Dec 13 2013 • Articles

Hans Koechler’s claim that the NATO intervention in Libya supported Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations is problematic and has the potential to derail future UN sanctioned interventions.

Between a Rock and a Cold Place? NATO and the Arctic

Page Wilson • Nov 28 2013 • Articles

NATO has decided neither to retreat, nor to expand to fill the Arctic’s security governance vacuum. Instead, it will continue with its provision of collective security, and maintaining a ‘watching brief’.

Understanding the Limitations of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy

Tom Dyson and Theodore Konstadinides • Sep 26 2013 • Articles

Due to the presence of the Alliance Security Dilemma, European defence cooperation is likely to remain bilateral and sub-regional, with negative ramifications for Europe’s power in the international system.

NATO Now and Then: Alliance Agents and Structures in Anarchical International Society

Francis A. Beer • Aug 27 2013 • Articles

NATO, as an international political-military regional organization, seamlessly moves between international anarchy and international society – continuing to thrive beyond its Cold War mandate.

Moldova and NATO: Expansion Stops at the Dniester River?

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jan 9 2013 • Articles

Moldova is one of the few European countries that is not a member of NATO. There is little that Chisinau may be able to contribute to the Alliance to make it desirable as a member.

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