
Interview – Hafsa Kanjwal

E-International Relations • Nov 17 2023 • Features

Hafsa Kanjwal explores new critical approaches to studying the Kashmir conflict, its links to the colonial era and its relevance in the contemporary world order.

The Pandemic in Brazil: Normality as Necropolitics

COVID has caused social chaos in Brazil, and a discourse of return to normality and valorization of the economy to the detriment of public health is being headed by the country’s highest authority.

Reflections on Naomi Klein’s Pandemic Shock Doctrine

Daniel Møller Ølgaard • Sep 15 2020 • Articles

Combining Klein’s analysis with a focus on the necropolitical dimensions of digital capitalism shows how the digital-capitalist logic relies on the exploitation of human bodies.

Necropolitics and the Precarious Lives of Rohingya Refugees in India

Ananya Sharma • Aug 5 2020 • Articles

The ‘neglected spaces’ where people are destined to suffer indignity and harm are ‘socially sanctioned’ projects of dehumanization.

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