North Korea

Opinion – South Koreans Support Unification, But Do They Support Integration?

Reunification should be conceptualized as not just the end of conflict, but also as the start of new sources of tension.

North Korea’s Withdrawal from the NPT: Neorealism and Selectorate Theory

Su Bai • Jan 27 2022 • Essays

Both neorealism and the selectorate theory show that North Korea’s demand for nuclear weapons strongly correlates with a large US military presence in East Asia.

Provoking to Avoid War: North Korea’s Hybrid Security Strategies

Sico van der Meer • May 22 2021 • Articles

An important feature of North Korea’s hybrid strategy is that it is continuously adapting to ever-changing circumstances, and as such it has not become outdated.

The Emperor’s Dignity: A Candid Primer on Korean Reunification

Thomas J. Ward • May 12 2021 • Articles

North and South Korean leaders alike pine for reunification, yet the peaceful realization of this aspiration remains in doubt due to nuclear proliferation and human rights violations in the North.

Trump’s ‘Personalised’ North Korea Policy: 2018–2020 and the Way Forward

Angana Guha Roy • Sep 8 2020 • Articles

A fourth Trump-Kim Summit meeting ahead of the US elections appears unlikely, as does progress towards reaching a balanced agreement.

Opinion – Would You Hire A North Korean? South Korean Public Opinion is Mixed

Despite the considerable amount of assistance which the South Korean government provides for North Korean defectors, many still face discrimination.

Theory Synthesis in Sport and International Relations Research

Nikos Lekakis • May 26 2019 • Articles

An inadequate embodiment of IR paradigms exists in contemporary ‘sport & IR’ research as soft power, although highly influential, remains theoretically simplistic.

Interview – Andrew Hom

E-International Relations • May 12 2019 • Features

Andrew Hom tells us about the temporal turn in IR, different understandings of time, how time is political, and some of the best advice he has received during his career.

Evolution of Sino-Japanese Relations: Implications for Northeast Asia and Beyond

Nori Katagiri • Apr 10 2019 • Articles

China and Japan regularly hold bilateral talks and participate in multilateral discussions about regional cooperation, but trust deficits keep the two nations apart.

A Unified Korea: Good for All (Except Japan)

Strobe Driver • Feb 10 2019 • Articles

If the Koreas gain greater harmony they may focus more overtly on Japan’s past deeds and its present ambitions, directly impacting upon Japan’s ‘middle power‘ status.

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