North Korea

North Korea’s New Legacy Politics

Heonik Kwon • May 16 2013 • Articles

North Korea’s future depends on how creatively it brings its sovereign heritage before the 1970s to the fore, and on how it can leave the past legacy politics of 1994–2011 behind.

China Bandwagons with North Korea

Andrew Scobell • May 2 2013 • Articles

To bolster the North Korean buffer China seems prepared to use all of the instruments at its disposal. These include economic, political, diplomatic, and potentially military means, to prop up the regime.

Crazy, Irrational, or Under Pressure? Why War with North Korea is Unlikely

Robert W. Murray and Dan G. Cox • Apr 21 2013 • Articles

Deterrence and survival maximization continue to dictate state behavior in nuclear and military affairs. There is no evidence to suggest that the case of the DPRK is any different.

North Korea as the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’: A Response

Robert E Kelly • Apr 17 2013 • Articles

Ignoring North Korea is the worst sleight of all. It reminds the elites what they know, and hate – that no one takes them seriously. North Korea is another ‘Upper Volta with nuclear weapons,’ and we should treat it as such.

Escalation Gambit: North Korea’s Perilous Play for Security and Prosperity

Benjamin Habib • Apr 10 2013 • Articles

The hostile posturing of the North Korean leadership is decipherable if located within the context of its symbiotic national security and economic development goals.

IR Theory and the DPRK

Robert W. Murray • Apr 10 2013 • Articles

Looking at interpretations of current events through an IR theory lens, it is astonishing at how often claims have been made that war is likely, and that we have no way of understanding what North Korea might do.

Opportunity and Peril in the North Korean Standoff

Dan G. Cox • Apr 9 2013 • Articles

Most pundits have determined that Kim Jong Un has consolidated power and is now about to, irrationally, strike out against South Korea and her allies. But, what if this assumption is an error?

The Paradox of Russo-Chinese Relations

Stephen Blank • Jun 22 2012 • Articles

Even as Russia and China have been presenting a united front on a whole host of global issues in recent months, the underlining sense of mistrust that has long pervaded the bilateral relationship is becoming more acute. Competition in Asia is likely to persist.

The Cold War is Sustained Through Pyongyang: The East-West Divide in Northeast Asia

Steven C. Denney • Jun 21 2012 • Articles

Though frustrating for the U.S., South Korea and Japan, the geopolitical reality is that northeast Asia remains mired in a Cold War-esque East-West divide between the Continental and Oceanic powers.

Regional Implications of the 21 May U.S.-South Korea-Japan Trilateral Meeting

Stephanie Nayoung Kang • Jun 13 2012 • Articles

The trilateral meeting provides insight on underlying issues within current policy approaches towards North Korea and Pyongyang’s potential response to pressures arising from the international community.

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