
Kunduz – Beyond the Battleground

Siegfried O. Wolf • Oct 16 2015 • Articles

The latest military operations by the Taliban in the North of Afghanistan make obvious that the group seems not to be weakened at all, but even stronger than before.

Hurting the Host: The Rationale of the Afghan Exodus

Siegfried O. Wolf • Oct 8 2015 • Articles

Against the backdrop of the situation of the refugees trying to enter Europe, it is crucial to find the necessary steps needed to stop the exodus of Afghan people.

String of Pearls: India and the Geopolitics of Chinese Foreign Policy

Ashay Abbhi • Jul 26 2015 • Articles

At the cusp of energy security balances the diplomatic battle in the Indian Ocean has generated enough interest for the world to watch the passive stand-offs keenly.

Review – Communism in Pakistan: Politics and Class Activism 1947-1972

Darren Atkinson • Jul 2 2015 • Features

Kamran Asdar Ali provides superb documentary evidence and a rich detailed analysis to construct a forgotten history of class struggle and political activism in Pakistan.

Edited Collection – Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics

E-International Relations • Apr 5 2015 • Features

This collection addresses common questions about Political Islam, Islamic State/ISIS, and challenges common understandings on the issue of Islam and democracy.

Afghanistan in India’s Regional Calculus and Pakistan’s Detrimental Impact

Djan Sauerborn • Feb 7 2015 • Articles

With China’s presence and the entrenched patterns of enmity between India and Pakistan, it will be interesting to observe how India pursues its stakes in the Hindu Kush.

The Forgotten: Pakistan’s Transgender Population, and the Islamic State

Erin Kilbride • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

ISIS’ in Pakistan poses a severe threat to LGBTQ Pakistanis. The debate over their presence, needs to be explained to include the safety and rights of LGBTQ populations.

Political Islam and Arab Civil Society

Timothy Poirson • Dec 12 2014 • Articles

Political Islam is a term that is often used amongst circles of academics and policymakers, but its complexity is seldom acknowledged or understood – especially post 2011.

Edited Collection – Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics

E-International Relations • Dec 11 2014 • Features

This collection addresses common questions about Political Islam and provides an assessment of ISIS/ISIL in order to challenge common understandings of Islam and democracy.

Review – The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World

Ajay Anil Cherian • Sep 22 2014 • Features

Despite the book’s omission of Pakistan’s ISI, T.V. Paul’s account of a highly armed yet insecure state is fundamental reading for any scholar concerned with South Asia.

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