
Review – Fauda

Michael Koplow • May 10 2017 • Features

At once familiar and revelatory for television-watching audiences, Fauda is one of the most realistic artistic portrayals of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict available.

Donald Trump and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Raphael Cohen-Almagor • Mar 10 2017 • Articles

President Trump can instill a sense of urgency in Israel and Palestine and create a new chapter in which people recognise the many similarities that exist between them.

The Legacy of the Obama Administration

Glen Segell • Oct 30 2016 • Articles

During Obama’s tenure America’s global leadership has declined to its lowest ebb leaving some allies to wonder how much they can rely on the US.

Obama and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Jeremy Pressman • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

As we near the end of the Obama administration, the president is likely to leave office without solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just like previous U.S. presidents.

Interview – Nadav Tamir

E-International Relations • Jul 3 2016 • Features

Nadav Tamir discusses his mentor Shimon Peres, his support for the Iran nuclear deal and why a two-state solution between Israel and an independent Palestine is possible.

‘Children of the Stones’: The Securitization of Palestinian Children by Israel

Kristiana Eleftheria Papi • Feb 19 2016 • Essays

To understand the complex and highly subtle securitization of Palestinian children by the Israeli state requires going beyond the Copenhagen School’s analysis framework.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From Occupation to (De)Legitimization?

Martin Beck • Jul 8 2015 • Articles

The (de)legitimization game has recently gained significance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is made sense of by critically discussing three basic assumptions.

What Are the Consequences of Palestine Joining the International Criminal Court?

Thomas Obel Hansen • Apr 6 2015 • Articles

Palestine joining the ICC may be more a question of strengthening its position towards Israel than obtaining justice.

Netanyahu’s Victory and Israel’s Future

Ian Lustick • Mar 27 2015 • Articles

Ultimately the choice for Israelis will be between a state organized to discriminate against non-Jews, and an Israeli state organized to respect all its citizens.

The Accession of Palestine to the ICC: A Brief Analysis

Beti Hohler • Feb 3 2015 • Articles

With Palestine’s accession to the International Criminal Court, the legal framework has changed and the parties to the conflict would be wise to accept and respect that.

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