
The Postcolonial Perspective: Why We Need to Decolonize Norms

Charlotte Epstein • Jan 19 2017 • Articles

Normation, normalization and nomos shift the focus from treating a norm as given to considering its initial constitution, to account for the form that a norm takes.

Interview – Walter Mignolo/Part 1: Activism and Trajectory

E-International Relations • Jan 17 2017 • Features

In the first of a two part interview Walter Mignolo discusses activism, the concept of coloniality, theory as practice and how aesthetics fit into decolonialism.

International Relations Theory

Stephen McGlinchey and Dana Gold • Jan 9 2017 • Articles

The approaches in IR theory each possess a legitimate, yet different, view. They offer a means by which to attempt to understand a complex and frequently changing world.

Using Gender Lenses to Decolonize Trauma and Memory in IR

Erica Resende and Dovile Budryte • Feb 12 2016 • Articles

The intersections of two bodies of literature—feminist perspectives in (and on) IR and the study of traumatic memory in IR—offer a promising avenue for research.

Playing with Exclusionary Logics: Alternative Spatio-Temporal Understandings

Aoileann Ní Mhurchú • Feb 5 2016 • Articles

An alternative spatio-temporal imagery is an ‘invitation to become lost in the world’. Everyday experiences drive the need to rethink our understanding in and of IR.

Will the Caribbean’s Reparations Claim Succeed?

Peter Clegg • Apr 7 2014 • Articles

The Caribbean countries have attempted to link their present-day ills to the role of slavery and colonial rule, and seek reparations as part of a new development agenda.

The English School, Post-Western IR, and Beyond

Josuke Ikeda • Sep 6 2013 • Articles

The globalization of the English School is currently taking place as non-Western theories develop. It will be interesting to see how this evolves and whether it leads to a post-Western world society.

Review – The NGO Factor in Africa

Sabine Hoehn • Aug 29 2013 • Features

Maurice Amutabi questions the role of NGOs in Africa and is critical of their existence. However, this review challenges his perspective to reveal contradictions with the arguments made.

The Postcolonial/Public Intellectual

Sheila Nair • May 16 2013 • Articles

Seeking Europe’s affirmation of what counts as ‘philosophy’ or who counts as a ‘public intellectual’ matters less than pointing out that the standards used to measure who or what qualifies may never be met by postcolonial thought.

The New Scramble for Africa

Hakim Adi • Apr 15 2013 • Articles

In the new scramble for Africa, justifications for external intervention are pretexts that should be regarded in the same way that we now regard the ‘white man’s burden’ and ‘civilising mission’.

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