
Gandhi and the Posthumanist Agenda: An Early Expression of Global IR

Purushottama Bilimoria • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

Gandhi’s influence on modern India and the wider world presents itself as a peculiar political experiment that promises to add to contemporary discourse on Global IR.

The “Sustainable History” Thesis: A Guide for Regulating Trans- and Post-Humanism

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Apr 24 2018 • Articles

The disruptions caused by technology will be particularly damaging for societal justice, where all countries already face challenges.

Performing the Posthuman: An Essay in Three Acts

Stefanie Fishel • Oct 15 2017 • Articles

If last century was more about freeing the carbon than it was about freeing humanity from its chains, this century could be able to understand our posthuman condition.

The Subjects of Posthuman IR

Darian Meacham • Oct 12 2017 • Articles

The notion of the posthuman considered in biological or functional terms is of course interesting and important, but it is the human subject that matters to politics.

Posthuman Security and Care in the Anthropocene

Cameron Harrington • Oct 10 2017 • Articles

The Anthropocene compels us to acknowledge how security interacts with diverse lifeworlds that exist around humans, acting in ways both pacific and threatening.

Hybridity and Humility: What of the Human in Posthuman Security?

Elke Schwarz • Oct 10 2017 • Articles

A challenge in modern thinking about technology is the gap between the technologies we produce and our imagination regarding the uses to which this technology is put.

Between Radical Posthumanism and Weak Anthropocentrism

Carolin Kaltofen • Oct 10 2017 • Articles

Analysing posthuman-ness calls into question whether posthuman IR is posthuman as none of IR’s posthumanesque disquisitions develop an ontology of the international.

‘Posthuman Security’: Reflections from an Open-ended Conversation

Audra Mitchell • Oct 8 2017 • Articles

Posthuman security discourse places both of its key terms ‘posthumanism’ and ‘security’ in constant question and refuses closure into any particular vision of either.

Posthuman International Relations

Matt McDonald and Audra Mitchell • Oct 5 2017 • Articles

A discussion of the posthuman and its relationship to the study of International Relations cannot be narrowly defined, nor can one voice provide conclusive definitions.

Open Access Book – Reflections on the Posthuman in International Relations

E-International Relations • Sep 29 2017 • Features

In contrast to binary views, this book (re)entagles the complexities found within the world and brings forward a plurality of views on posthumanism. Edited by Clara Eroukhmanoff & Matt Harker.

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