
Reflecting on Kenneth Waltz

Robert W. Murray • May 14 2013 • Articles

As professors, students and lovers of international relations, we walk in the shadows of giants. Our field lost one of its giants yesterday with the passing of the undisputedly influential Kenneth Waltz.

IR Theory and the DPRK

Robert W. Murray • Apr 10 2013 • Articles

Looking at interpretations of current events through an IR theory lens, it is astonishing at how often claims have been made that war is likely, and that we have no way of understanding what North Korea might do.

The Power Politics Game

Dylan Kissane • Mar 18 2013 • Articles

Games allow professors to show students that knowledge does not only have to come from a lecturer, but can also be experienced. Through games, students appreciate the complexities of international politics.

Maximizing Prudence in International Relations

Francis A. Beer and Robert Hariman • Feb 12 2013 • Articles

Like other forms of prudence, maxims are tools at hand that can help political actors feel their way through the thickets of international relations and point to constructive ways of being in world politics.

Academic Territory and the Limits of IR

Robert W. Murray • Feb 2 2013 • Articles

It is often said that IR has become a complex and diverse field of study. With this expansion has come unclear limits as to what does, or does not, fall within the parameters of the field.

Game of Thrones and State Behavior

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jan 28 2013 • Articles

The Game of Thrones TV show and novels have become appealing to scholars as they touch on theoretical concepts and issues central to IR, and feature parallels to real-world events.

The IR Theory Game

Dylan Kissane • Jan 25 2013 • Articles

Students usually find theory the part of courses they enjoy least. The challenge, then, is to make theory accessible, to give the students something to do, rather than just something to listen to.

Situating Religion in International Relations Theory

Nukhet Sandal • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

IR theorists face the challenge of situating religion in their explanations of global events, but, as Sandal argues, this does not necessarily require the abandoning of existing theories.

Building Theory Through History

Robert W. Murray • Aug 1 2012 • Articles

The biggest shortcoming of IR students is their lack of historical background. If this problem was corrected, it would greatly help their efforts at understanding the world around them.

A Realist Revival

Robert W. Murray • Jun 3 2012 • Articles

While IR has grown far beyond its boundaries, the plurality of what we refer to as “international relations” has changed so dramatically that it is difficult for students to decide exactly where they should fall on the spectrum.

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