
Realist-Liberal Divide? Power & Progress in a World in Transition

Jack Snyder • May 21 2012 • Articles

Scholars and public commentators need to integrate the insights of the realist logic of struggle for domination and security, with the liberal logic of political development and change.

Can Any Realists do P.R. Anymore?

Zachary Keck • May 10 2012 • Articles

Steve Walt is right that the world would be better off if realists ran U.S. foreign policy. But they never will do so until they learn how to sell their policy prescriptions to the American people.

The US Space Shuttle Legacy and IR: A Realist Perspective

Guilhem Penent • Jul 13 2011 • Articles

The apparent US retrenchment from space in recent years shows some courage and wisdom. It is now time to focus on the future in a more sustainable way, and win back the command of the edge of space. That is the path chosen by President Obama, though, one must not forget the legacy of the Space Shuttle and the era it represented.

Realism and Neorealism: An Investigative Overview

Maysam Behravesh • Dec 19 2010 • Articles

Realist arguments are a combination of two discrete, though often intersecting, literatures. The first emerging from the works of classical realists such as Thucydides and Machiavelli, and the second spreading across the history of Western philosophy. One of the most significant aspects of realism is its use of historical evidence, as if one can detect a timeless wisdom of world politics centred upon the principles of realpolitik

Review: Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 13 2010 • Features

Mario Del Pero’s chief task in his recent monograph is to break up the traditional image of Kissinger to paint a more nuanced picture of his politics and scholarship.

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