ISIS has revealed that a productive stability probably needs more than the brokering of existing national interests by outside powers and local elites.
The inability of structural realist theories to shed light on international relations will continue as long as unipolarity ensues. Thus, new theories need to be developed.
Despite significant amendments, realism still suffers from empirical inconsistency. The reason is straightforward: its fundamental principles of power never change.
Realism’s wisdom ensures that it not only remains a cornerstone of IR theory, but also thrives in the broader fields of political studies and political theory.
A diverse range of authors seek to define the conceptual aspects of realism and establish whether the tradition still provides the necessary conceptual tools to scholars.
To celebrate E-IR’s 10th anniversary we asked some of our existing interviewees two further questions reflecting on the last decade in International Relations.
A lively, readable and relevant foundational introduction to IR theory that will help students to see not only what theories are, but why they matter.
Prof. Stephen Walt discusses his current book project on the failures of American foreign policy, realist IR theory, and the nature of American political institutions.
Those who seek authority in Thucydides’ writings should proceed with the utmost caution or they may find themselves distorting his ideas like Graham Allison has.
War is avoidable. The real ‘Thucydides Trap’ is not that of competition and fear. The answer lies in Thucydides’ multi-causal thinking.
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