
Interview – Jonathan Holslag

E-International Relations • Jun 10 2015 • Features

Dr. Holslag discusses how the rise of China is changing world order, considers the security dilemmas this is creating in Asia, and reflects on realist approaches to IR.

The Impact of Roy Bhaskar and Critical Realism on International Relations

Jonathan Joseph • Dec 11 2014 • Articles

At a time when new approaches are either knowingly or unknowingly touching on critical realist themes, Bhaskar’s contributions are poorly represented in the literature.

Review – Leo Strauss: Man of Peace

Michael Di Gregorio • Dec 7 2014 • Features

Howse uses language that elucidates the importance of ‘the international’ in Strauss’s thinking, but at the same time is accessible for a general, educated audience.

Star Trek and Realism

Aaron Haviland • Nov 14 2014 • Articles

In order to remain relevant and meaningful, Star Trek needs to move beyond Wilsonian tropes and ask more difficult questions about international relations.

Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 3

Robert W. Murray • Aug 27 2014 • Articles

It may seem trivial to state that the west helped cause, rather than did cause, the crisis in Ukraine but from a theoretical point of view, this distinction is essential.

Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 1

Robert L. Oprisko • Aug 26 2014 • Articles

Because Russia cares too much and Europe cares too little for Ukraine, a state’s sovereignty is shattered, its people divided, and its future is now uncertain.

Best Friends Forever? Classical Realism and Critical Theory

Felix Rösch • Jun 20 2014 • Articles

Contrary to common belief, classical realism and critical theory share an under-acknowledged historical and intellectual proximity.

The Tale of a ‘Realism’ in International Relations

Hartmut Behr and Xander Kirke • Jun 13 2014 • Articles

The tale of a contiguous Realist tradition, running the gamut from Thucydides to Morgenthau, occludes these thinkers’ strong normative commitments.

Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Oct 11 2013 • Features

Professor Walt discusses the Syria crisis, the value of “isms” in IR theory, and advises students to be good writers and work on subjects that genuinely fascinate them.

Review – China’s Search for Security

Kendrick Kuo • Oct 10 2013 • Features

Comprehensive, persuasive, and empathetic, Nathan and Scobell offer a fresh look at what could easily be a stale litany of threats to China’s rise and a thorough treatment of China’s security policies.

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