
The Common Security and Defence Policy and IR Theory

Daniel Fiott • Aug 20 2013 • Articles

Realism still provides the most compelling IR theory for analyzing the CSDP. The state maintains military capabilities and the political interests for which such capabilities are required.

The Fallacy of the Realist-Constructivist Dichotomy: A Rejoinder to Robert Murray

Cecelia Lynch • Aug 19 2013 • Articles

Realism is not dead, but it is as problematic to treat the theory as IR’s “core set of ideas” as it is a fallacy to treat constructivism as a recognizable, distinct, and competing theory.

Lost in Translation? Importing the English School to America

Alan Klæbel Weisdorf • Aug 2 2013 • Articles

Robert Murray’s edited collection ‘System, Society and the World’ illustrates the value of a pluralist approach under the umbrella of English School research.

Waltzian Metatheory: A Rejoinder to Brittnee Carter

Robert W. Murray • Jul 31 2013 • Articles

A recent article on e-IR examined some of the metatheoretical implications of Waltz’s 1979 Theory of International Politics. Though an excellent analysis, there are some points to add.

The Politics of the Realist/Liberal Divide

Robert W. Murray • Jul 12 2013 • Articles

Stephen Walt recently pointed out that realist academics tend to be solitary while liberals often collaborate and write jointly. However, he misses a crucial point that needs to be added to the discussion.

Kissinger at 90: Still a Force to Be Reckoned With?

Thomas A. Schwartz • Jul 10 2013 • Articles

Kissinger’s realism retains great value today, but the underlying beliefs in American exceptionalism which were used against him have not disappeared from American political life.

Kenneth Waltz: The Man Who Saved Realism

Ian Hall • Jun 24 2013 • Articles

When Kenneth Waltz passed away International Relations lost one of its finest theorists. But, Waltz’s greatest legacy to IR was his revival – indeed, his resurrection – of realism.

Reflecting on Kenneth Waltz

Robert W. Murray • May 14 2013 • Articles

As professors, students and lovers of international relations, we walk in the shadows of giants. Our field lost one of its giants yesterday with the passing of the undisputedly influential Kenneth Waltz.

IR Theory and the DPRK

Robert W. Murray • Apr 10 2013 • Articles

Looking at interpretations of current events through an IR theory lens, it is astonishing at how often claims have been made that war is likely, and that we have no way of understanding what North Korea might do.

The Power Politics Game

Dylan Kissane • Mar 18 2013 • Articles

Games allow professors to show students that knowledge does not only have to come from a lecturer, but can also be experienced. Through games, students appreciate the complexities of international politics.

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