
Sectarian Divisions, Proxy Wars and Chaos

Satgin Hamrah • Sep 27 2015 • Articles

It is important to have a firm grasp of the role that religion and sectarianism play as mobilizing forces in the regional politics of the Middle East.

Review – Religion and the Realist Tradition

Brent J. Steele • Sep 26 2015 • Features

While assessing how realism addresses religious issues in world politics, this collection also explores the role of religion in the intellectual development of IR theory.

Church, State and Culture: Should Religion Be a Private Matter?

Brendan Sweetman • Sep 26 2015 • Articles

Secular liberalism has become an influential, even dominant, worldview among sections of the intellectual class in many Western societies.

The Contemporary Ambiguities of Religions as a Source of Civilisational Identity

Fabio Petito • Sep 25 2015 • Articles

The international society is experiencing an epoch-making process of transformation. The global resurgence of religion is not unrelated to these structural changes.

Looking Back to See Forward: Romanticism, Religion and the Secular in Modernity

Mark Cladis • Sep 21 2015 • Articles

The pervasive religious aspects of Romanticism demonstrate the failure of previous theories of secularisation. Modernity has never been a monolithic intellectual.

Four Religions of Foreign Policy

John A. Rees • Sep 18 2015 • Articles

There are many healthy debates on religion and foreign policy, but there is still more to say about the nuances of religion at play in the international sphere.

Little Do They Know. How (Not) to Theorise Religion and International Relations

Jodok Troy • Sep 11 2015 • Articles

Less theology and more religious sociology along with the study of political theory would contribute a more nuanced understanding of ‘Nations under God’.

The Religious Resurgence: Problems and Opportunities for International Relations Theory

Stephen Dawson • Sep 8 2015 • Articles

Religion used as a scholarly term should be carefully distinguished from the notion of religion used in everyday speech. When theorists stalk religion, they should do so critically.

Edited Collection – Nations under God: The Geopolitics of Faith in the 21st Century

E-International Relations • Aug 26 2015 • Features

Over 30 leading scholars focus on the complex roles that religions play in world affairs and move beyond the simplistic narratives and polemics which swamp the discourse.

Why Understanding Religion Matters in Post-conflict Zones

Denis Dragovic • Jul 31 2015 • Articles

Examining the doctrines of religious institutions can help understand their relation to the international community in times of conflict, peacebuilding and development.

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