
The Soviet Origins of Russian Hybrid Warfare

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 17 2018 • Articles

Understanding the long-term continuity underlying Russian hybrid operations is important as it shows that 2014 was not an improvised response to a temporary challenge.

The Causes and Consequences of Russia’s Actions towards Ukraine

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 16 2018 • Articles

Scholars writing about the Russia-Ukraine conflict face a choice in perspectives that is likely to lead them to being criticised no matter what they do.

Ukraine and the Russian Challenge to the European Order

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 13 2018 • Articles

Russia’s actions in 2014 were not just a response specific events such as NATO enlargement, EU policy, democracy promotion or revolution in Ukraine.

Closing the Second Cycle in BRICS: A Surprise or Business as Usual?

Victoria V. Panova • Jun 6 2018 • Articles

BRICS has by now turned into a brand. This brand imposes responsibility on its members to respond to global challenges and serves the interests of the global community.

What Does Russia Mean When It Talks Greatness?

Anatoly Reshetnikov • May 20 2018 • Articles

Russia is not cherishing ideas about world domination, but it is also not satisfied with how things are today. It emphatically refuses to accept a second-class status.

Russia, the West and the Growing Gap between Narratives

Alisher Faizullaev • May 8 2018 • Articles

In such a confrontational situation, both parties need to better understand each other’s narratives. To be more effective, the Russia-West diplomacy may use narrative analysis and negotiations.

Interview – Selim Koru

E-International Relations • Apr 26 2018 • Features

Analyst Selim Koru shares his views on Turkey’s relations with Russia and its Western allies, its approach to Islamic State, the Kurdish PKK and the peace process.

Where Does Russia End and the West Start?

Anna Tiido • Apr 22 2018 • Articles

Russians outside Russia become ‘more Catholic than the Pope’, because they see the reality of their countries of residence and compare it with the virtual reality created by the Russian state media.

Sounds of War: ‘Lie’

Susanna Hast • Apr 6 2018 • Articles

Musistance is a human revolution, subverting hegemonic and violent practices. It is a politics of love and compassion that emerged from encounters with the heaven of life amidst the hell of war in Chechnya.

Sounds of War: ‘Lonely Night’

Susanna Hast • Apr 1 2018 • Articles

Love is a fascinating subject not only because it is not the obvious choice for a study on war, but also because it is so common and strange at the same time.

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