
Review – When the United States Invaded Russia

Christian Dennys • Aug 1 2014 • Features

Richard’s book should be read – not for lessons on Afghanistan & Iraq – but as a timely reminder of the dangers of mission creep and the consequences of the use of force.

Cold War II: Can Economic Sanctions and Diplomacy Avert a Repetition of History?

Natalia Sharova • Jul 21 2014 • Articles

Pushing Russia into isolation will raise insecurities in Eastern Europe and will possibly resurrect the Cold War. Therefore the crisis must be resolved via negotiation.

Ukraine and the Interwoven Interests of America, Russia, and the EU

Roland Benedikter • Jul 5 2014 • Articles

Ukraine is crucial for the future global strategies of the US, Russia, and the EU. Conflicting approaches to the crisis should not mask the interwoven interests.

“Do as We Say, Not as We Do.” Perspective on the Ukrainian Crisis

Graham Kay • May 4 2014 • Articles

The main criticism on relations with Ukraine must fall on U.S. and Western foreign policy or, more precisely, the lack of one.

Review – Russian Energy in a Changing World

Stephen Fortescue • May 3 2014 • Features

Godzimirski’s edited collection is a timely analysis of Russia’s energy policies that will aid our understanding of the recent past and future of this volatile region.

Ukraine’s Future and Putin’s Eurasian Past

Christopher P. Isajiw • Apr 14 2014 • Articles

Ukraine’s future depends as much on the US, NATO, and EU as on the strength of the interim government in terms of its ability to deter Russian aggression.

The Power of Peace: Why 1814 Might Matter More than 1914

Stella Ghervas and David Armitage • Apr 7 2014 • Articles

This year marks not only the centenary of the First World War, but the bicentenary of the Congress of Vienna. The contrast between memories of these events is striking.

Review – The Domestic Sources of European Foreign Policy

Steven Robinson • Apr 6 2014 • Features

Serrano emphasises the importance of domestic politics in shaping policy decisions at the EU level, an influence that has not always been empirically justified.

Can Small Nations Still Feel Secure after the Annexation of Crimea?

Heiko Pääbo • Apr 4 2014 • Articles

In order to restore security of small states, it should be made clear that geopolitical thinking and behind-the-back deal-making is not a norm in international relations.

Missile Defense Is Not the Answer to Putin’s Aggression

Azriel Bermant • Apr 3 2014 • Articles

The Republicans are right to call for stepped up action against Russia’s annexation of Crimea, but NATO’s missile defence system is not the answer to Moscow’s aggression.

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