
Russian Soft Power Under Construction

Oleg Shakirov • Feb 14 2013 • Articles

Prospects for a fully-fledged, globally-oriented Russian soft power strategy are promising. But this change of attitude seems to be coming from the top down.

Moldova and NATO: Expansion Stops at the Dniester River?

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jan 9 2013 • Articles

Moldova is one of the few European countries that is not a member of NATO. There is little that Chisinau may be able to contribute to the Alliance to make it desirable as a member.

Review – Russia’s Energy Policies

Artur Tranzola Santos • Dec 26 2012 • Features

Energy occupies a central role in Russia’s national, interregional, and global agendas. This edited volume elucidates the forces of Russia’s policy formation on each of those levels.

The Idea of European Security: The Renewed Russian Dilemma

Sandra Fernandes • Oct 25 2012 • Articles

As Russia is unlikely to join NATO, it is imperative to find a modus vivendi and modus operandi that can balance two opposing elements that mark European security relations: foundational controversies versus the need for cooperation based on interdependencies.

Russia, America, and Syria

Mark N. Katz • Oct 17 2012 • Articles

Moscow and Washington strongly disagree over many issues. Their differences over Syria, however, do not amount to a Cold War-style proxy war between them. Regional actors are more at odds in Syria than the U.S. and Russia.

After Beslan: Changes in Russia’s Counterterrorism Policy

Mariya Y. Omelicheva • Oct 15 2012 • Articles

The Beslan crisis had an immediate impact on Moscow’s counterterrorism policy but also had considerable broader political implications. It became a trigger for ambitious reforms and will shape features of Russia’s policies for years to come.

Noopolitik in the Arctic

Idriss J. Aberkane and Eirin B. Haug • Oct 8 2012 • Articles

The Arctic Game is much more significant than a mere geopolitical race between a fractured NATO, Russia and China. It will reveal the maturity, or lack thereof, of all its players.

Public Life and Pussy Riot in Putin’s Russia

Olga Zeveleva • Oct 7 2012 • Articles

The persecution of Pussy Riot was meant to delineate the acceptable boundaries of behavior to the Russian population. And thus the system drags itself forward, looking more and more absurd every week.

APEC 2012: Russia’s State-Managed Integration into the Asia-Pacific

Gaye Christoffersen • Sep 18 2012 • Articles

The real test will be what happens after APEC 2012 passes. Will Russia accept economic and cultural globalization as part of the Asia-Pacific integration process, or will it continue to take a state-centric approach?

Eastern Promises: Russia and the 2012 APEC Summit

Paul B. Richardson • Sep 8 2012 • Articles

The 2012 APEC summit at Vladivostok has become the stage on which Russia is announcing its presence in the Asia-Pacific as a modern, dynamic country, which should be welcomed into the region.

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