
Why Russian Hybrid Warfare Is a Threat To … Russia.

Dan G. Cox and Bruce Stanley • Jun 6 2017 • Articles

Hybrid warfare was a long-term strategic miscalculation and Putin and his successors will likely regret the expenditures that this strategy has produced.

Toward a New European Union Strategy for Belarus

Paul Hansbury • May 30 2017 • Articles

The EU’s strategy towards Belarus has become incoherent and a decision needs to be taken about whether to prioritise democratisation or support for state-building.

Review – Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security

Stephen Michael Christian • May 24 2017 • Features

An insightful volume that shows how peace cannot be maintained without addressing both material and identity-related concerns for all major conflicting parties.

(In)Security: From Thick Signifier to Empty Signifier

Ana Isabel Rodríguez Iglesias • May 14 2017 • Articles

The in(security) of the minors is at stake in a semantic and practical power struggle among different actors such as the US, the UN, NGOs, countries of origin and the minors themselves.

Interview – Anand Menon

E-International Relations • Mar 22 2017 • Features

Anand Menon discusses linkages between domestic politics and international relations, the impact of Brexit on EU politics, and the disruptive rise of Eurosceptic parties.

Gibraltar, Brexit and the Impossibility of ‘leaving Europe’

Jamie Trinidad • Mar 2 2017 • Articles

Nowhere will be hit harder by Brexit than Gibraltar.

Brexit: The View from Ireland

Barry Colfer • Feb 21 2017 • Articles

The Irish government will have to tread a careful line during the Article 50 negotiations, choosing a path that lies somewhere between the UK and the EU.

EU-NATO Relations in the Era of Trump and of the European Defence Union

Luigi Lonardo • Feb 17 2017 • Articles

With President Trump, the Warsaw declaration is now more important as it delivers quite clearly what were the hopes and fears of the Obama administration and of the EU.

Finding an Alternative World Order

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 14 2017 • Articles

Serious change in the global security order can come about only when the United States actually does less international intervening. Then, others will do more – if slowly at first.

Europe’s Post-Brexit Retrenchment

Alexander Mattelaer • Jan 30 2017 • Articles

If the EU struggles to maintain broad domestic support in its own member states, it seems likely to face a prolonged period of strategic retrenchment.

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